Thursday, August 18, 2016

The Class of 2020: Mindset and Insight

The University’s Class of 2020 moves onto Grounds this weekend, preparing for Tuesday, the start of classes and their college careers. Take a look at this class in the context of 22-year trend lines—by race, by gender, by geography and by several other categories in Virginia Magazine.

For the Class of 2020...
  • While chads were hanging in Florida, they were potty training.
  • Snowboarding has always been an Olympic sport.
  • Books have always been read to you on
  • The United States has always been at war.
  • They have never seen billboard ads for cigarettes.
Read more from Beloit College's 2020 Mindset List.

Carruthers Renovation News

Late Friday afternoon, the American Office team finished building the first set of offices in the new design and assembled the furniture in the collab rooms.  

Come take a look!

On Monday morning the Fixed Assets team began moving in, and their former spaces were quickly filled by the the AR and PCI teams.  

Many thanks to those who assisted in the moves!

PSDS: Cloud/SaS Contract and T&E

Procurement received praise for helping navigate a very complex and aggressive contractual negotiation with what many IT leaders would say is the biggest Cloud/SaaS vendor solution that UVA will implement in the next 10 years. More information will be released soon about this exciting new development!

The Travel and Expense Services Team is excited to share the progress of the Chrome River Expense Program design! In preparation for the completion of the build, we asked each school to identify key individuals involved in their Travel & Expense (T&E) processes. There were approximately 150 people in attendance over the course of eight sessions held throughout July and early August. We solicited feedback regarding each school’s expense reimbursement and T&E card reconciliation processes. We also encouraged use of TravelUVA and the Travel and Expense Card

The TravelUVA program is continuing to grow with over 2000 airline tickets booked to date. Travel labs are offered monthly and can be found in Learner Home if you or are interested in attending. 

PSDS also congratulates staff members Kevin Crabtree, Carrie McGowan, Meredith Dixon, Charles Kidd, and Shannon Wampler, who recently completed the “Leading a Lean Transformation” workshop taught by Darden professor Elliot Weiss.  

Service Excellence Survey

The UVAFinance Service Excellence Committee has been charged with developing strategies and programs to deliver services that help University community members and external partners to be their best. Today, we ask you to take a few minutes to provide your perspective on the state of customer service within UVAFinance, feedback on what works and what remains to be addressed. Your response will directly impact where we focus immediate attention as well as how we shape our service culture and philosophy now and in the future.

Access the survey.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Bookmark This: FOC's "Tips and Tricks Tutorials"

The Tips and Tricks Tutorials page on the FOC website contains videos with helpful tips, tricks, and shortcuts to help you save time and effort, and reduce mistakes when working in the Integrated System. Check back often as more videos will be added.

MRP: UBI & Development

UBI Training, by the numbers: (as of Aug 1, 2016)
775 GA users (our initial UBI stakeholder population)
370 Users completed Into-to-UBI training (35 of 60+ scheduled sessions)
290 UBI users in Production
132 Users in the UBI Community

For new UBI users, once you have completed training, it is important to log in and use the tool before you forget what you’ve learned. Remember: this is a reporting tool—you can’t hurt anything. Dive in and move around. Start with familiar data, and see where the experience takes you. The UBI Community is the best place for UBI users to engage with colleagues about the new reporting tool.

What’s in Development?
Development never stops for UBI and the Managerial Reporting Project. Our team is working on enhancements to the existing UBI modules, in addition to new modules for GA. We're planning to release changes in concert with the switch of the data source from the Operational Data Store (ODS) to the new Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) in early September.

Updates from PSDS

The Supply Room Companies, UVA’s strategic office supply contract vendor, is now offering a full selection of coffee and water breakroom services. For more information, including a special incentive to kick off the new program, please visit:

America To Go, UVA’s strategic Catering Services vendor, has partnered with PSDS and Finance Outreach and Compliance to provide complimentary tastings from select America To Go caterers at upcoming Brown Bag sessions! To view a list of upcoming sessions, and to enroll, please visit:

PSDS will be hosting a “SWaM Day” on Tuesday, August 16 featuring over 20 SWaM (Small, Woman-, and Minority-owned) vendors from across the Commonwealth and around the country. UVA staff are invited to visit the Newcomb Hall Ballroom from 1:00-4:00pm to meet new vendors and learn more about their companies’ offerings! For more information, or for a listing of vendors, please contact Jack King (jek7s).

Tech Tip: PowerPoint Footers

Do you manually edit PowerPoint slides, so each one shows the title, date or slide number?

For some, this rudimentary PPT feature is a mystery (you know you’ve seen a slide deck that had an erroneous date or slide number). Follow these simple steps to ensure accuracy and consistency in your PPT footer information:

Picture 1

To update the slide footer Title and Date detail in PPT, click “Header& Footer” on the Insert tab.

Picture 2

Date and time: “Update automatically” always shows the current date. “Fixed” shows a specified time (08/23/2016).

Slide number:  Choose whether or not to include a slide number.

Footer: Enter a custom footer (Classes Begin).

IMPORTANT:  “Apply to All” adds these edits to all slides in the slide deck. 

Slide 3

Validate date/footer/slide# changes.

Carruthers Construction Update

Project services have been hard at work preparing for the collab room turnover on 8/8. Activities include:


  • Duct work was completed 8/1 
  • Tying in the new systems to the existing 7/30
  • Moved the main duct in collab room 270A to accommodate new lighting 

  • Lighting and controls will be delivered Thursday 8/4 
  • Furniture is being assembled in the large work area behind the collab rooms

  • Finished and currently being primed 

  • Done on 8/1 

  • Demo of carpet in the large work area behind the collab space took place over the weekend 7/30 
  • New carpet was installed 8/1 

  • Installed 7/28 
  • Doors arrived 7/29 and were installed Monday 8/1
  • Temporary wall was removed during off hours 7/30 

Nine Comptroller staff will be moving out of their current offices on August 12 so that offices along the south wall can be torn down to build 6 new hard walled offices.  The “Fixed Assets” group will move to their new permanent offices behind the collab rooms the week of August 15.

Procurement and Supplier Diversity Services has reconfigured their office space to accommodate the Fixed Assets move.  The reception desk is located where Joyce Dunn sat and Joyce has moved back 2 offices.  Connie Alexander is beside the receptionist desk.  Charles Kidd and Kristin Floyd are diagonally across from the receptionist desk.