Friday, February 15, 2019

Personal Wellness Expo: You don't want to miss it!

Hey UVAFinance!  We hope you're making plans to drop by the Personal Wellness Expo on Tuesday, February 19, from 1:30 - 3:30 in Carr 1&2.    Event organizers have worked hard to bring groups from all across Grounds who can share with you information and resources that will help you have a healthy 2019 and beyond.

We sat down with two of the team members working to bring you this event to learn more about what folks can expect next week at UVAFinance's first Personal Wellness Expo:

Where did the idea of a Personal Wellness Expo come from? 

Stacey Rittenhouse:  It came from a Carruthers Hall  Manager’s meeting, where needs for the building are discussed.  The group was talking about safety needs, and Judy Divita liked the idea of some kind of safety fair, so we built off of that idea into a wellness expo that included safety.

Brenda Nalley:  Safety and well-being do go hand in hand – safety is definitely a part of our well-being.  Every group we pulled together for the expo is focused on your overall health, safety, or security -- it just made sense!  

Which of those groups are you most excited about, personally?

BN:  There are so many resources on Grounds we may not know exist.  Personally,  I’m so glad the library’s coming.  When I started working on a recent project, I had to do a lot of research and wasn't sure which of the many books out there would be a good resource for us. I found out I could go online and create an account and read the book online so I knew whether or not it was something we should purchase.  Any book is available at the library physically, but the library has a lot of e-books that are technical and business-related that we can access at any time.  

SR:  I'm glad the Office of Emergency Preparedness is joining us.  One thing they're going to talk about is the automated external defibrillators we have hanging on our walls,  and getting people signed up to learn how to use them.  That's knowledge we really need!

BN:  I'm also looking forward to learning more from Rec Sports.  I think they offer so much outside of just going to the gym:  canoeing, paddleboarding, and even paddleboard yoga.  I want to know more about those adventurous types of things.  

SR:  It's also great that Ben Rexroad from University Police is coming. He's such a dynamic educator -- people always learn a lot from him.

What else can people look forward to at the Expo? 

BN:  We have some cool demonstrations in addition to information -- the Center for Contemplative Sciences is going to be in the coffee area showing people how to do chair yoga.  BeWell will be here, too, and we have lots of groups that will help UVAFinance with other ways they can consider work/life balance.

Sounds great!  Anything else people should know?

SR: We'll have cookies :)  Come and grab one, walk around the room and chat, and see things at your leisure.  We have 14 tables that will be set up; it's' going to be a lot of fun, and a lot of information.

Cashless Grounds in 2019

 Eighty-five percent of our academic departments bring cash and checks to Carruthers Hall to be deposited allocated to the correct PTAEO; 15% have been using remote deposit for over a year, with high satisfaction.  In all sectors, cash payments (includes cash and checks) are declining significantly.  In academia, many of UVA’s peer institutions are currently cashless.  

Advances in technology available now mean that e-check or credit card payment is easier and more streamlined than ever.  The efficiency, increased safety, and timeliness of the electronic deposit process resulted in a Cornerstone project team’s recommendation of “going cashless.”  UVAFinance Strategic Projects and Student Financial Services are now partnering on that recommendation to fully implement remote deposit and eliminate the use of cash in 2019.   

Cashless Grounds does not affect public-facing entities such as the bookstore and dining halls, nor does it affect gift processing and processing of expenditure credits.  

Currently, project team members are:  

  • Presenting information on the Cashless Grounds Income project to a variety of groups across Grounds to talk about the changes and get input.
  • Developing training with Finance Outreach & Compliance to help ensure a smooth rollout of remote deposit services across Grounds.
  • Partnering with Information Security Policy, the Compliance office, Treasury, and the University Records office to ensure the process is secure and functioning according to UVA policy.
  • Working with Treasury, Financial Reporting & Operations, and Enterprise Applications to ensure that additional remote deposit locations’ activity is reconciled programmatically. This impacts departmental deposits and delivers significant time savings throughout Financial Operations
  • Communicating with students and parents to help them understand and prepare for SFS’ switch to a cashless system by November 2019 (for student cash and check payments). 

If you have questions or thoughts about remote deposit services, going cashless, or if you would like to see how you can take advantage of these changes, please contact Brenda Nalley.


Read more about the succession development Cornerstone Program here:

Thursday, February 14, 2019

UVAFinance Welcomes Treasury Management, Risk Management, and Foundation Relations

As of February 11th, Treasury and Risk Management reports to the Vice President for Finance, Melody Bianchetto.

Julie Richardson, in the interim role of Managing Director of Treasury and Risk Management, and Phil Porter, as Director of Enterprise Risk Management and Foundation Relations, are joining the UVAFinance leadership team. This move also brings Property and Liability Risk Management, a key piece of the University’s risk management work, into the UVAFinance family.

Collectively, these functions previously reported to Jim Matteo, who departed UVA last week to become Vice President for Finance and Treasurer at Princeton University. We are pleased to have this strong, cohesive group of professionals with established processes and expertise as a part of UVAFinance. This newly integrated team will provide comprehensive financial framework planning and strategy support for senior leadership and play a key role in the development of a financial plan to advance University priorities in the coming decade.

You're Invited: 2019 Innovator of the Year Award Ceremony

The 2019 Innovator of the Year Award Ceremony celebrates Dr. Lee Ritterband, a professor and director of the Center for Behavioral Health & Technology at the University of Virginia School of Medicine who has pioneered the development of digital therapeutics for various behavioral health issues.

Hosted by the UVA Licensing & Ventures Group, the award ceremony will be held on Thursday, February 21 from 5:00-8:00 p.m. in the Rotunda Dome Room. UVA LVG Executive Director Michael Straightiff will provide opening remarks, and the award recipient, Dr. Ritterband, will deliver the keynote address.

Complimentary drinks and hors-d'oeuvres will be served at the opening reception starting at 5:00 p.m. The ceremony will begin promptly at 6:00 p.m. All are welcome to attend this free public event, though registration is required.
Thursday, Feb. 21, 5-8pm at the Rotunda 
Registration link:

New Shoutout Board Location for UVAFinance

Shout!  Shout!  Let all your kudos out!  These are things we can't do without!
(Don't get the reference?

The Shoutout Board has found a new home in Carruthers Hall!  You'll find it just inside the double doors leading in from the foyer area, just near the UVAFinance "Where We're From" map.

Leave your kudos, notes of appreciation, and accolades in dry-erase marker or on our shoutout notepads.  Remember, if you're a remote worker, you can always send your shoutouts to Brandi Van Ormer for posting.

Thanks to everyone for your patience while we found the right place for the board.

Let's get LEAN!

We’re excited to announce the following Lean classes! 
 Both classes will be held in Carruthers Hall, Conference Room 2.

Lean Fluency

March 14, 2019
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

You’ve probably heard your colleagues talk about Lean, but may not understand the concepts or terminology; here’s your chance to learn more about Lean. Lean Fluency will familiarize you with the basics of Lean principles, vocabulary, and tools. 
 The course incorporates three phases of learning:

· Phase 1 - Pre-workshop activities including watching 5 brief videos, creating a process map, and completing an exercise guide (will take approximately 1 hour)

· Phase 2 - 3-hour facilitated workshop

· Phase 3 - Post-workshop activities (will take 1-2 hours)

Link to enroll through Workday Learning by March 6th.

Lean in Daily Work

March 26, 2019
9:00 – 10:30 a.m.

Would you like to learn practical ways to implement Lean strategies into your daily routine? Lean in Daily Work will provide you with practical, easy-to-implement strategies to make your current processes more efficient.

Through hands-on activities and sharing practical examples, you will gain skills to help you:

• Use the 5S strategy for organization to help with identifying and eliminating waste and continuously improving processes;

• Document how you do your work using the Standard Work approach;

• Manage work through tools such as a Kanban Board; and

• Implement time saving ideas to improve efficiency and increase productivity.

Prerequisite: Completion of Lean Fluency or the Leading a Lean Transformation certificate.

Enroll through Workday Learning.  Link to enroll

Both Lean Fluency and Lean in Daily Work will be part of the forthcoming UVAFinance Lean Certification. Stay tuned for an announcement with more information soon.

We look forward to seeing you in class! If you have any questions, please contact the training team at

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Easy Access to UVAFinance Brand Resources

UVAFinance logos, stationery, PowerPoint templates and more are now available for download on the Finance Outreach & Compliance site. Just click on "Communications" in the navigation bar to access the resources. 

We will continue to add UVAFinance communication resources to this page. Let us know if there's something else we could include to help you.

Note: You can also find a wide variety of additional resources on UVA Box. Please contact Brandi Van Ormer if you need access.

Resolving Conflict: Join OE on March 6!

Click the image for a larger view and to see
registration information.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Thank You, Payroll Team!

Thank you to University Payroll for all their hard work during the transition to Workday.  We appreciate the time, effort, troubleshooting and heart you put into ensuring that payroll was executed in a timely and accurate fashion during a time of massive change.

Wellness Update

What's new from your Wellness Champions

We're sharing upcoming events, programming, and resources that will help you be healthy in all areas of your life!  Don't forget that our Wellness Champions also regularly update the Hoo'sWell corner in the Cafe area of Carruthers with health and wellness info.

The UVAFinanance Personal Wellness Expo  

Held on February 19, 1:30 - 3:30 in Carr 1&2.  The Expo will feature wellness info from a variety of groups on Grounds: IT-Information Security, Hoo's Well, BeWell, Contemplative Science Center, University Police Department, Office of Emergency Preparedness, Faculty and Employee Assistance Program, Environmental Health and Safety, RecSports, and more!

Upcoming FEAP Seminars

The Faculty and Employee Assistance Program has a great lineup of programming to choose from.  Topics include Active Listening, Compassion, Harnessing the Power of Kindness, and more.  You can see their upcoming schedule on their site. 

FEAP will be coming to Carruthers this April to offer a one-hour seminar on "Communicating More Assertively."  This session will introduce a new model to help increase awareness of your own communication style and guide your interactions with others.  Attendees will also learn a 4-step technique for giving feedback assertively.  Mark your calendar for April 18, from 12 - 1, in Carr 1&2.

Hoo's Well Wellness Portal Launch

In January, Hoo's Well launched a new, interactive wellness portal to help you create and achieve meaningful, personalized goals.  You can even get rewarded for taking healthy actions (up to $500!). 

Learn more about the Hoo’s Well Program and Earning awards here. Check out the new Portal and set up an account:

Contemplative Sciences Center Offerings

The CSC has announced its Spring 2019 Contemplative Practice Rotunda Series.  These events are open to the public and free of charge.  You can see the seven-session series offerings on CSC's website.  You can also check out their entire spring 2019 class calendar, for options on yoga, T'ai Chi, meditation, and more.

UVAFinance: Let's get together for a Town Hall (or three)!

All of UVAFinance is invited to a Town Hall session this March. We're hosting three sessions for your convenience; choose one and come ready to hear a "State of UVAFinance" address from Melody and learn more about where we're headed next as we build a culture within finance that fosters productivity, health, and fun!

Save the Date(s) now -- actual registration will come later!

Monday, March 11, 2-4 pm, Carr 1&2
Tuesday, March 12, 9-11 am, Carr 1&2
Tuesday, March 12, 2-4 pm, Carr 1&2

Don't forget your Employee Engagement Survey!

Earlier this week, everyone in UVAFinance received an invitation to take an employee engagement survey.  We'll talk about the results of this survey in our town halls this March.  Don't miss your chance to share your thoughts!  The survey is completely anonymous; we request your responses by February 8.

Look for the survey link in your email; if you didn't get it or can't find it, email 

A completed survey = your chance to win! Write your name on a slip of paper and place in one of the orange boxes (normally used for the Finance Shirt Friday Spirit Raffle). The orange boxes are in the SFS area and in the front lobby break area. Several winners will be selected when the survey closes on February 8, 2019. Winners will be notified individually.

Easy, fast, secure: DocuSign

A culture of continuous improvement looks for ways to make things simpler, smarter, and more streamlined. The latest example of continuous improvement in UVAFinance is the adoption of DocuSign, software that facilitates the sharing and signing of documents in a secure, online environment.

DocuSign was put in use by UVA Human Resources as part of the Ufirst project. Once UVAFinance became aware of the DocuSign enterprise license, they were excited to learn more.

Now, the DocuSign project, managed by Brenda Nalley of UVAFinance and Rachel Sligar of Enterprise Applications is underway to ensure UVAFinance uses DocuSign in an effective and compliant way.

"Besides the fact that there's no paper, no faxing, and no mailing, DocuSign also ensures that everything is secure, legal, and transparent, with a complete audit trail," says Nalley.

Plus, DocuSign is easy to use. Here's how it works: you simply upload your document (Word, PDF, or any other common format), indicate who needs to sign, in what order, and where, and then DocuSign sends an email to each recipient indicating where and when they can sign. The process is managed by the software, and once the document is complete, it can be stored securely on UVA’s server.

Ruth Parcells demonstrates the ease
of using DocuSign.
Ruth Parcells of Financial Reporting and Operations has been using DocuSign since late last year, and she has nothing but good things to say: "DocuSign has reduced to minutes what used to take weeks or months of work."

If you're interested in using DocuSign, contact Brenda Nalley.

New on Finance Matters: Speed of Trust

Finance Matters has launched a series of episodes on the importance of trust in all of our relationships, whether personal or professional.  

When there is a lack of trust, we pay dearly. The stakes surrounding trust are huge and affect our ability to be productive and happy. Without trust, things take longer, cost more, and often, never get done. Lack of trust is manifested in micro-management, second-guessing, regulation, strict operating procedures, bureaucracy, and unnecessary politics.

In Covey's book, he highlights some of the most successful companies and leaders in recent history and how a focus on trust provides a competitive edge and increases relevancy. The Speed of Trust stresses the importance of traits like integrity, accountability, expectations, loyalty, listening, respect, transparency, and many more.

We can't afford to ignore trust -- listen in and learn more!

Welcome to UVAFinance

Say hello to these new faces on our team!

Jonathan Agop, Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services

PSDS welcomes Jonathan Agop to the team in the role of Supplier Management Specialist. In his role, Agop teaches vendors and clients how to navigate and most effectively use Total Supplier Management. 

The client focus he developed during his ten-year career in the banking industry serves him well as he works with vendors and with his clients in schools and units across UVA. About his transition, Agop says that a home in finance felt like the right place for him. Since being at UVA, he’s particularly enjoyed the collaborative environment he’s found here. 

“Everyone in every department is working toward the same goal. In Procurement, my team members include me in decisions that are made even outside of my job role so that I can learn and grow,” he said, adding “I really feel the University cares about the faculty and staff members here.”

The University culture wasn’t a surprise to Agop, given that his partner, Megan Juelfs, is the Associate Director of Research Initiatives at Darden School of Business. “Everything she told me about working here was right,” he laughed.

Outside of work, Agop’s sons Oliver, 8 and Elliot, 5, keep him busy coaching Little League, T-Ball, and basketball.

Carrie Crosby, Administrative Services Group

Welcome to Carrie Crosby, who recently took a pivotal role in ASG as our Front Desk Assistant -- the first face you see when you walk into Carruthers Hall! Crosby, a seasoned administrative professional, also has a background in Fine/Studio Arts from Virginia Commonwealth University.

Working in academia is a shift for Crosby; her background is in the corporate world as an executive assistant and office manager. 
The Crosby Family

“Even when I worked for a large corporation, we were still fairly contained,” she commented, adding that “the University is like its own little town!”

What isn’t different, and what drew her to the position in the first place, is that there are plenty of people to help and lots of projects to keep her busy. Even though she’s only been in the role a few months, her responsibilities are growing and she’s enjoying getting to know the team.

In addition to their two-year-old son, Ryder, Crosby and her husband are expecting baby #2 this July.

Alison Hyler, Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services

At one point, Accounts Payable and Payment Specialist Alison Hyler was certain that a career as an educator was the right choice for her. After completing her BA in English at Randolph College, and even starting a Master’s program, however, she gradually realized that life was pulling her in a different direction: finance.

PSDS is pleased to welcome Hyler to the team, and Hyler is thrilled to find a perfect fit between her yen to help students and her desire to delve into details.

In her role in AP, Hyler enjoys the day to day troubleshooting she does and the fact that she’s part of the mission of the University of Virginia. The skills she cultivated writing analysis papers in her English studies have translated well into the detail-oriented work she now does.

“I feel like I get to make a difference in my job,” she said.

“My day to day work may seem distant from students, but us paying the bills is a vital part of keeping UVA running. This isn’t just a random job for a company somewhere – UVA makes a huge difference to students and families and to the state of Virginia, as an employer.”

When she’s not here making sure the bills get paid, Hyler can often be found reading, drawing or painting, and playing video games with her fiancĂ©.