Thursday, July 3, 2014

From Melody's Desk: July 3

Happy summer and happy fiscal year 2015!

I hope that all are able to take some time off this summer.  I, for one, cannot wait for my upcoming vacation at Emerald Isle, NC…I’m already collecting ideas for good books to read while I have my toes in the ocean.  I have The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer on my nightstand, but if you have a great recommendation, please let me know. 

I did want to make you aware of a number of things happening this summer.  First, the Board of Visitors has established a Finance subcommittee that is tasked with developing a long-term financial plan and pricing tool (  This group will be evaluating tuition, how to keep AccessUVa sustainable, whether to re-visit the endowment rate distribution, among many other topics.  The first meeting was last Friday, June 27th.  You can view the recorded four hour (yes, four hour) meeting at The next meeting will be held on Friday, July 25th and will also be live streamed.

Second, UHR has launched the Center for Leadership Excellence… take time to explore their new website ( and be sure to look for a class or other professional development opportunity. This is something that you will be able to reflect on your performance evaluation coming up later this year.  And, I always find myself refreshed and reenergized when I am able to take some time to be thoughtful about my own development.  Just this week I attended a book discussion on Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg – it was thought-provoking, interesting, plus I got to meet some new people!

Third, take some time to have some fun.  I highly recommend taking advantage of the offerings at the Heritage Theater Festival ( … Bryan Garey of UHR is directing Shear Madness, which starts July 9th.
