Thursday, August 14, 2014

From Melody's Desk: August 14

Wow – I can’t believe that we are looking at the end of the summer.  I can feel the crowds already growing on the Corner as students make their way back to Charlottesville… and UVa soccer and football are just around the corner.  If you are a sports fan as I am, you should try to make it to the John Paul Jones’ Arena on Sunday, August 17th for Meet the Teams Day.  If you enjoyed the World Cup this summer, make sure you check out our #3 ranked women’s and men’s soccer teams.  And look out for Morgan Brian on the women’s team… who will likely be representing the US in the Women’s World Cup next summer.

This is a VERY busy season for everyone on the team.  The Comptroller’s Office is working on year-end and hosting a team from the Auditor of Public Accounts.  Student Financial Services are making financial aid awards, sending bills, and collecting tuition from students… as well as answering many inquiries by phone, email, in person, and over social media (did you know that you can follow SFS on Facebook and Twitter?).  The Office of Sponsored Programs finished up the fiscal year by signing the dotted line on a very slight increase in grants over last year (hurray!).  And the Managerial Reporting Project is working towards a September 30th deadline to deliver new reporting to support the University Financial Model.  THANKS to every one of you who are working towards these important deadlines!

I made my first trip to Seattle in July for the annual meeting of the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO).  What a great city (the Chihuly and EMP museums were fantastic) and conference.  There were three terrific keynote speakers:  Bill Gates (as reported by Inside Higher Ed), Alison Levine who has climbed the highest peak on every continent and hiked to the North and South Poles, and Zanny Minton Beddoes, an editor at The Economist who actually had me understanding the world economy after her very informative and engaging speech.  There were very good sessions on change management, tuition discounting, enterprise risk management, student financial literacy, making analytics matter, MOOCs, and many other business topics.

The Board of Visitors Finance Subcommittee continues to do work related to financing the University’s strategic plan and defining affordable excellence.  The materials and video from the July 25th sessions are available on line (materials, video).  The next meeting of the full Finance committee as well as the subcommittee will be on September 11th and/or 12th.

Be sure to check out the Quality CORE Network offerings from the Office of Organizational Excellence this fall.  Register by emailing to attend one of the following:

Change Management Thursday, August 21 from 9:00 – 10:00 am Tamara Sole, Center for Leadership Excellence Newcomb Hall Gallery Room Change is continual; yet how well do we understand its impact on individuals and organizations? This brief one-hour introductory workshop will position attendees to recognize, accept and serve as stewards of organizational change efforts.

“Coffee Chat with Pat (Hogan)” Thursday, September 4 from 9:00 – 10:00 am EVP/COO Byrd Room, Harrison Institute Come hear Pat Hogan’s views on organizational excellence, institutional direction, current initiatives and more AND share your thoughts about the opportunities and challenges that face the University.

Appreciative Inquiry September/October TBD Margaret Plews-Ogan, School of Medicine/Medical Center. The School of Medicine employs appreciative inquiry as a way to stimulate personal and organizational change. Appreciative inquiry utilizes positive questions that led to quality improvements through an amplification of existing strengths.

Communication Plans Wednesday, November 5 from 11:00 am – 12:00 pm Lee Baszczewski, Organizational Excellence Location TBD Communications are key to successful change. Learn how to plan cascading messages and use stakeholder analysis to create an effective communications plan.
