Thursday, November 20, 2014

From Melody's Desk: Goals and Survey Results

I appreciate all the great feedback that you provided regarding the goal-setting sessions. As of 11/18, we’ve received 54 responses to the survey…a pretty good response rate overall. If you are curious to see the results, I’ve attached the summary report here. I’ve also passed this on to the Center for Leadership Excellence, as it will help them develop offerings.  I will use the feedback to consider other division-wide training opportunities (more to come in a future blog post). The survey is still open for those of you who have not responded; I would love to hear from you. The link to the anonymous and short (4 questions only) survey is

One excellent piece of feedback from the survey is that it will be helpful for you to know what our overall Finance Division goals are as you craft your goals for 2015. I have spoken with each of the AVPs and directors in drafting these goals. Here they are:

You will likely notice that these are not in SMART goal format. I view these as more general objectives for the division, but I will be developing SMART goal versions for my personal goals in Lead@. In fact, during the goal setting session that I attended, I developed goal 2a for myself… written with the Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely characteristics.

We have intentionally set out to make sure that every Finance employee will be able to connect with several of the goals. For example, I will challenge each one to include a version of goal 2a in your personal goals:  I want each person in the Finance Division to identify at least one ineffective work process, propose a solution, and help implement an improvement in the upcoming year. In goal 3a, I will commit to you that you will see increased communication and division-wide opportunities to work together. Looking at goal 4d, I will expect every manager to have a goal of creating a meaningful developmental plan for each of their direct reports.  I expect that you will also see other applicable goals (such as improving relationships with those you work with regularly, from goal 3d).

I’m happy to hear any comments.  You can use the comments feature below this post or feel free to contact me directly.



PS.  Five of you noted that you “still do not know how to write a performance goal and would like more guidance.”  Because the survey is anonymous, I do not know who you are.  However, I would like to make sure you receive that help.  Please email me at if you want additional guidance and I will make sure that happens.

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