Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Coffee and Collaboration with Colleagues

Hi everyone,

Following on the heels of our recent Coffee and Donuts with Pat series, I wanted to offer another opportunity to increase collaboration and build relationships with our colleagues in other organizations. With special thanks to Ana Lynch for her work with Greenberry’s on this, I am excited to launch Coffee and Collaboration with Colleagues.

Is there an issue that needs resolution, a question that needs to be answered, or a process that can be improved, but you need the help of someone in another department to develop a response or solution? Is there a procedure that you do not understand and it would help your work to get feedback from someone else? Then this is an opportunity for you to work on a common issue or problem in a face-to-face conversation with someone from outside of Finance.

How does it work?

  1. Identify your issue/question/topic and who you need to work with for resolution.
  2. Invite that person (or persons) to meet over coffee to work through the question.
  3. Go to see Lynne Schwar, Kelly Hochstetler, Kelly Mays, Sarah Doran, or Christina Frederick to pick up Greenberry’s gift cards.  
  4. Complete a simple log, describing (in 10 words or less) the issue and who you are taking to coffee.   
  5. Follow-up on the log to report on any progress made on the issue.  This is important so we can measure success of this program and whether it should continue.

Please let me know of any feedback you have on this or any other ideas that you have to increase collaboration with other groups at UVa.


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