Thursday, May 7, 2015

2015 Service Award Honorees

Congratulations (and thank you!) to the following employees for their years of service with the University:

25 Years and More
Judy McDaniel (40)
June Seay (40)
Lucy Wrenn (40)
Dave Boling (35)
Sarah Jones (35)
Stephanie Schwar (35)
Vonda Durrer (25)
Laura Lingo (25)
Stephanie Poindexter (25)
Trudy Taylor (25)

20 Years
Katherine Hoffman

15 Years
James Bowen
Peggy Candler
Mike Galvez
Devon Herod
Lisa Layne
Trudy Robinson
Sarah Tarkington

10 Years
Andrew Bedotto
Darlene Booker
Laura Bowness
Randall Ellis
Heather Eppard
Lynn Galasso
Shenika Knox
Del Kolberg
Jeanie Sampson-Giles
Michael Williams

This year's recipients will be honored as follows:

Monday, May 18: Informal breakfast celebration for the Finance Division honorees and their managers in Carruthers Hall Conference Room E (8:30am-9:30am).

Tuesday, May 19: University Service Award Ceremony and Reception at John Paul Jones Arena celebrating 10, 15, and 20 years of service.

Monday, June 8: University Service Award Dinner at John Paul Jones Arena for 25 and more years of service.

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