Thursday, June 4, 2015

Updates from the Comptroller's Office: Cardinal & APA Audit

We are now eight months away from going live with the new State Accounting System, Cardinal. The behind the scenes work is being done not only by the Comptroller’s Office but also Procurement and ITS/Enterprise Applications. We have mapped our existing chart of accounts into the new Cardinal chart of accounts and ITS/EA will begin doing some “sample” state stamping in the next several weeks. The Cardinal team went to Richmond this week to see our first “live” demo of the Cardinal system and were quite impressed. The PeopleSoft-based program appears to be very user friendly and we were most impressed by the reporting module. Rather than rely on the State to produce reports, we will be able to create and run our own reports and queries directly from the Cardinal system daily/weekly/monthly.

Even though there is much more work to do, we are slowly beginning to see what our processes will be with the new system. A very big thank you should go out to Imelda Carter, Sue Clements, Richard Parkins and Terry Butler for all the work they have been putting in these past several months.

APA Audit
The Comptroller’s office held the annual Entrance Conference with the APA for this year’s financial statement audit. Although it will be an entirely new team from the APA, we are looking forward to working with them. They are set to begin preliminary fieldwork on June 8th, with the majority of the audit fieldwork to start in early August. Our time frame is to have the audit completed by mid-October with the University’s financial statements being released around the week of Thanksgiving.

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