Thursday, July 2, 2015

Excel Help: In-Person and Online

Thank you to the more-than 100 attendees one of the “Advancing your Excel Skills” class this spring. The AVP-Finance area had 65 attendees, 14 from various schools, and the remainder from different Auxiliary and Central Offices. Classes are on hold for the time-being as we regroup and refine the offering. Special thanks to Malika Ouenza, Disha Venkatesan, Greg Ball, Lisa Shuler, Andrew Yeung, and Tom Kim for help with the classes.

Meanwhile, Peggy Reitz from the Center for Leadership Excellence has put together some great resources for us regardless of current skill level. For help with basic Excel skills we have access to Skillsoft Training.  Additionally, the University has access to the training website which has approximately 100 in-depth Excel videos for review.

Finally, we launched an list, which the Excel training team is monitoring. We happily offer our many years of Excel knowledge as a resource if you need just a quick question answered, or want to schedule some time for more in-depth help with an Excel challenge.

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