Thursday, September 3, 2015

From Melody's Desk

Well, summer is over and school is in session. We know this from the students crowding the Student Financial Services’ counter last week, the traffic on Emmet Street, the long lines at Chipotle, and football and marching band practice occurring on Lambeth and Carr’s Hill Fields. :)

Congratulations to the folks in SFS who handled 4,800 phone calls, 1,547 emails, and 742 walk-ins from students and parents over a span of 9 business days. Put the calculator away, I’ll do the math for you. That’s 533 calls, 183 emails, and 82 walk-ins per day. I appreciate the hard work, patience, and professional approach from each SFS team member!

Speaking of UVa football, I snapped the below picture at Lambeth Field, as I walked from my office at the newly renovated O’Neil Hall to Carruther’s Hall (making sure to count my steps for the Hoo’s Well FallFitness Challenge).

Have you ever listened to a TED talk that you just wanted to share? A friend shared a TED talk from Shawn Achor, positive psychology guru, with me This one combines the best characteristics of a TED talk:  funny, fast-paced, and an easy take-away. Two excerpts:

“If we can find a way of becoming positive in the present, then our brains work even more successfully as we're able to work harder, faster and more intelligently.”

“In just a two-minute span of time done for 21 days in a row, we can actually rewire your brain, allowing your brain to actually work more optimistically and more successfully.”

Do you have a favorite TED talk? Send me an email or post a link in the comments – I’d love to see it.

PS:  Don’t forget to subscribe to the EVP/COO Area newsletter to keep up on the news from other corners of the University.

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