Thursday, December 17, 2015

From Melody's Desk

Happy holidays! Are you ready for the holiday party this afternoon? I’m so appreciative to the Finance Social Team (Stacey Rittenhouse, Sarah Doran, Chris Doran, Kobby Hoffman, Trudy Robinson, Mike Holian, Connie Alexander, Rohan Patel, and Ana Lynch) for their work in planning a great party!

I am looking forward to the entire Finance team coming together on January 4th for us to work together to Discover, Dream, and Design our Destiny as a team. We will utilize an approach called Appreciative Inquiry (AI) to help us address our organization’s challenges by uncovering and building on strengths and generating innovation and creativity to confidently confront the future. AI is a genuine paradigm shift for organizational change, grounded in behavioral science. You can read more about it in this post

Finally, I also wanted to mention a recent email that you will have received from Susan Carkeek regarding the kick-off of the 2015 performance evaluation process. The first step is for each employee to complete a self-assessment. I believe that this is a critical step to begin a productive discussion about the past year. How can we expect our manager to take the time to consider our successes, our lessons learned, and future opportunities for improvement if we do not take the first step towards self-reflection over the past year? The self-assessment is a great way to remind your manager of all that you’ve accomplished this year; it is also a way to demonstrate how you may have grown and learned from a challenging situation. UHR has some good hintsfor completing a thoughtful self-assessment. You should complete your self-assessment in Lead@ no later than February 1, 2016.

Have a happy and safe holiday with your family and friends!

PS Please also remind any new colleagues to the Finance Division employees to subscribeto the email digest

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