Thursday, January 7, 2016

From Melody's Desk

Thanks to everyone for spending your Monday morning with the team. This DISCOVERY phase will be foundational for our planning a future for UVAFinance together. If you have not already done so, make sure you and your partner schedule a time to get together to reflect on the questions in the guide and to record your summary of the conversation. 

For those of you who were unable to attend or have questions, you can visit the strategic planning FAQ page or email We will also use the blog to provide more information regarding the DISCOVERY phase 2 meetings to take place in early February, as well as how to participate in the upcoming DREAM, DESIGN, and DESTINY work.

I hope that everyone has had an opportunity to enter through the front door to notice the brighter and more open entrance. Security enhancements and an improved south entrance, as well as new landscaping will be shaping up soon.  We are also exploring other potential changes to both the first and second floors in order to create updated conference rooms, to add innovation and collaborative spaces, and to consolidate more of the UVAFinance team.  More will be forthcoming on this idea. 

The first Quality CORE network session of 2016 has been scheduled for January 27, from 10:30-11:45 and will be on the topic of Facilitating Effective Meetings.  Some of you who have been here as long as I have will remember the facilitator, John Lord, from when he led training efforts at UVA. RSVP for the January 27th Quality CORE Network session. (Location details and more information online)

Lastly, a huge congratulations is due to the Procurement team for launching TravelUVA this week.  This will be an immense improvement in how employees manage travel.  More about that here.

Have a great week… and stay warm!

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