Thursday, September 29, 2016

Update on Parking at Carruthers

Parking changes are coming to Carruthers Hall this autumn, with the aim of improving pedestrian safety and better using parking spaces currently available.   Here’s what’s in store for the North Upper Lot, the North Lower Lot, and the South Lower Lot.

Changes in Visitor Parking
Results of a survey given to all managers in Carruthers and Michie showed a need to create half or full day spots in addition to the spots with a 2-hour parking limit in the South Lower Lot.  To address this, 15 spots will be created in the North Lower Lot that will be designated as Visitor Parking.  Signage will ask visitors to obtain parking tags from receptionists in Carruthers/Michie.

Improving Usage of the North Lower Lot
A review conducted with Parking and Transportation revealed that the North Lower Lot is under-utilized, while the North Upper Lot is over-utilized.  To address this, a Y3 lot with 15 spaces will be created in the South Lower Lot; this lot will have a premium parking rate of $59 per month.  In turn, parking rates for the North Lower Lot will be reduced to $47 per month.  There will be no change in fees to park in the North Upper Lot.  

Changes for Pedestrian Safety
Parking and Transportation used a consulting firm to do a safety survey of all the lots at Carruthers.  In the North Upper Lot, recommendations included clearer path marking, additional stop signs to reduce speeding, additional crosswalks, and new sidewalks/pathways for those who do not use the stairs.  For the South Lower Lot, the firm recommended new markings to clarify in/out, and more accessible parking spaces.  

Updates will be shared as this project develops!


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