Thursday, October 13, 2016

FOC: What can the training team do for you?

The training team in Finance Outreach and Compliance is responsible for developing, delivering, and continuously improving a comprehensive training program for all finance and business professionals at UVA. We want to help these professionals develop the skills they need to do their jobs accurately and efficiently, as well as to help them grow in their careers.
What do we do in our day-to-day work to meet these responsibilities?
·        We develop and provide training in foundational business and finance skills through courses like “Finance Fundamentals” and various Brown Bag sessions
·        For all University-wide finance and research administration systems and processes, we:
o   design training plans
o   document technical processes
o   provide instructional design services for online and instructor-led training
o   develop online learning
o   coordinate and help facilitate instructor-led sessions, including classroom training, computer labs, workshops, and webinars.
Our training projects include the finance modules of the Integrated System and the Student Information System, TravelUVA, Expense, ResearchUVA, Effort Reporting, Account Reconciliation, and many more.
·        We support all training initiatives needs for UVAFinance employees including Respect@Uva, Multicultural Fluency, Lunch and Learn sessions, and the new Manager Development Program.
·        We provide guidance for individual professional development needs for finance and business professionals across UVA and for colleagues within UVAFinance.

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