Thursday, November 10, 2016

FOC Lunch and Learn this December: Using for FREE Online Training!

The next Lunch and Learn session is on Thursday, December 8, 12-1 and the topic is How to Enroll in and Use for Online Training. (This is a repeat from the first session.) The session will be held in Carr-1.

Did you know there is a place where you can learn skills online at your own pace, and that since you are a UVA employee, it is absolutely FREE? offers many courses and learning paths in the following areas: 

·         Project management
·         Graphic design
·         Excel
·         Communication
·         SQL
·         Data Analysis
·         Photography
·         … and many more!

About our Lunch and Learn Sessions

What are Lunch and Learn sessions?
Lunch and Learn sessions are “mini-training” sessions that are one hour long and will be held mid-day, sometime between 11:30-1:30, depending on the availability of space.  

How are the Lunch and Learn sessions different from the Brown Bag sessions coordinated by Finance Outreach and Compliance?
Lunch and Learn sessions are optional, informational sessions open only to UVAFinance employees. Brown Bag sessions, while also optional and informational, are open to any interested employee. They often are directly related to the work of finance and business professionals in the departments, and are held in various locations across grounds.

Will lunch be served?
No, but please feel free to bring your lunch to the session.

How often will the Lunch and Learn sessions be held?
Initially the sessions will be held monthly. We may add more depending on interest and the availability of space (both physical and on the UVAFinance calendar!)

Do I need to enroll in advance?
No. In fact you will not be able to enroll in advance, so it will be first-come, first served with regard to space. We will capture attendance and enter it in the Integrated System, so you’ll have record of it in Employee Self-Service, Learner Home.

Will sessions be recorded if I am interested but cannot attend?
We do not plan to record sessions. However we will repeat sessions, so if you’re unable to attend then hopefully the next time it is offered will fit with your schedule.

Where will the sessions be held?
The Lunch and Learn sessions will be held in Carruthers, for the convenience of most UVAFinance colleagues. However, if a particular session is of interest and you work remotely and are unable to be here in person, we will work with you.  Please contact us at or to discuss the best way to accommodate you.

Where can I look for information on future sessions?
Lunch and Learn sessions, including a description, will be listed under events on the FOC website –

Please contact us at or if you have questions or suggestions for future sessions. (Or, just leave a comment or suggestion below!)


1 comment:

Julie Bird said...
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