Thursday, December 8, 2016

Animated Video Series Highlights Financial Aid at UVA

“Your ability to attend one of the nation’s top universities is based solely on hard work, academic merit, and the desire to move this world forward.” 

This inspiring thought comes from the video linked below, one of two so far in a series that is the result of the combined efforts of UVAFinance, University Communications and Admissions (see the first video below this post).

The video series describes UVA’s position and rankings around financial aid and value, as well as our financial aid philosophy, and will be used widely in a variety of communications channels during the recruitment season. 

Steve Kimata, Assistant Vice President for Student Financial Services, says he’s glad the videos showcase that access and affordability have always been a priority at UVA.   

“In 2004, then-President John Casteen and the Board of Visitors approved our new AccessUVA financial aid program with the aim of making a UVA education available to all students, regardless of their financial circumstances,” said Kimata.  

Through AccessUVA, UVA meets 100% of the demonstrated need of all undergraduate students; it is one of only two public universities to do so.  SFS also has a key role in supporting UVA’s Affordable Excellence model, approved by the Board of Visitors in 2015.

Kimata and Scott Miller, Director of Student Financial Aid, shared a few key guidelines for students and families considering UVA:

  •  Families must complete two applications every year:  The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and the CSS Profile (for institutional and state aid).  This allows SFS to direct aid dollars to those who have the most need. The complete application process can be found here.  
  • Students should use My inTuition, a cost estimator unique to UVA, which provides a good estimate of the “net” price to the family, not the gross price.  Net price is the Cost of Attendance minus grants and scholarships.
  •  Families should not hesitate to contact SFS with questions – the sooner, the better!  SFS staff do a number of outreach sessions at area high schools, on Grounds for current students, and at high schools across the state in conjunction with the Admission staff.
  • There are some options students might not realize are available.  SFS created a scholarship page to provide information about all types of scholarships from around Grounds.  Additional options include Parent PLUS loans, installment payment plans, and 529 or Prepaid Tuition plans.  Information about these can be found at and specific information about the Commonwealth of Virginia’s 529 or Prepaid plans can be found at

Learn more at (and see the videos in action!)

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