Thursday, April 20, 2017

ExpenseUVA Online training Custom-built by Outreach & Compliance

If you call Procurement and Supplier Diversity Services (PSDS) these days, you’ll hear the friendly, reassuring voice of Jack Jensen on their automated answering system. PSDS adopted the automated system around the same time as the ExpenseUVA launch, in order to more quickly route callers to the right team member to help them. Jensen’s recorded voice gives callers a few quick options to choose from to receive specialized service.

It was fairly easy to choose who should be the voice on the other end of the line. Jensen, a Training and Development Specialist in Finance Outreach and Compliance (FOC), is practically the voice of UVAFinance: he’s recorded hours upon hours of “tips and tricks” training to help financial professionals across grounds, and, for the hundreds who have already accessed the online, on-demand training for ExpenseUVA, it is Jensen’s voice that explains the approval routing process and guides them through the process of uploading receipts.

When the Travel and Expense Team contacted FOC about developing training for the thousands of users who would use the new expense system, the most immediate issue was how the small team could deliver training to so many.

“Not only were there a vast number of potential users,” said Jensen, “but also, there were so many different ways people could use the system: different roles, different school-level policies, reimbursing expenses, reconciling T&E cards . . . the list goes on.”

It was immediately apparent that in-person instruction would not only be hard to deliver due to the size and scope of the audience but also, given that the system was a “switch on” system with a go-live date weeks in the future, it would be an ineffective training method.
Jack Jensen working with Captivate, the program that allows
him to record narration and onscreen movements simultaneously.

Patty Marbury, UVAFinance Training Lead, put it this way: “We needed the training to be ‘just in time’ training – users need their how to’s at the moment they’re doing the task. We couldn’t be training people six weeks before go-live; they’d forget everything without a chance to immediately get in the system and begin entering expenses.”

Marbury added that another priority was providing training that was always available as a reference because different user groups wouldn’t be accessing the system all at the same time, and many users, such as infrequent travelers, would not access it routinely.

Another reason the instructor-led training model wasn’t the best choice is that many departments have their own processes and requirements when it comes to reimbursing expenses and it would be impossible for trainers to know what they are and be able to deliver effective live training.

Online training made a lot more sense, and when he began to develop the training, Jensen decided to draw from his 14 years of high school teaching experience. As a high school algebra teacher, he had “flipped” his classroom. Instead of the traditional lecture/homework model, Jensen had recorded his lectures as required watching for his students at home, leaving in-person class time as an opportunity for students to work through their algebra problems in class, asking questions and receiving Jensen’s one on one assistance.

Jensen found his flipped classroom accommodated a wider array of learning styles and allowed his students to actually understand the material more. The ability to pause instruction, to replay a portion, to both hear the instructor’s words and visually see the lesson being explained, when coupled with having someone close by when it was time to do the work, was just what many of Jensen’s students needed in order to gain a greater understanding of the subject at hand.

The flipped classroom model is also being used more widely with adult learners, so Marbury and Jensen recommended this approach for the ExpenseUVA training.

For ExpenseUVA, Jensen’s online training consists of a thorough catalog of all the information any user would ever need, organized carefully by topic and by user role. Accompanied by in-person assistance from each school/unit’s Ambassadors, as well as prompts and guides within ExpenseUVA, the training is an audiovisual walkthrough of the entire expense management process.

Developing the training was no small endeavor.

Months ago, using Chrome River’s existing training as a baseline, Jensen began the process of learning not only the Chrome River software, but also UVA’s expensing process. For weeks, working from his carefully written scripts, often from his makeshift ‘recording studio’ (a reclaimed broom closet in Carruthers Hall), he spent long hours recording voice-over guidance for every single step that anyone using ExpenseUVA could take, matching video screen capture of the process to his narrative, and making many adjustments along the way as the system took its final shape.

All in all, Jensen produced around five hours of online training, broken up into bite-sized pieces and accessible to users on demand. To date, over 340 people have accessed the online training. User response has been overwhelmingly positive; learners appreciate both the ease of finding the information they’re looking for and the fact that Jensen’s sessions are “easy to listen to.”

That easy, conversational tone is intentional, but not easy to deliver, says Jensen.

“I want the audio to sound like I’m sitting next to you, walking you through it, not like I’m reading out of a manual. When I write my scripts, I’m not writing an academic paper, I’m trying to have a conversation with someone,” he said.

Producing the training for an extraordinary, large-scale rollout like ExpenseUVA is just one example of the training efforts led by Finance Outreach and Compliance. FOC also developed and delivers a regularly-scheduled “Finance Fundamentals” course that is required training for anyone with finance system responsibilities, training for ResearchUVA as well as research administration, TravelUVA, the Integrated System, and much more. In addition, they routinely host Brown Bag sessions for finance professionals across Grounds.

“The training team in FOC is charged with designing, developing, and in some cases, delivering training on finance processes and systems for all UVA employees,” said Marbury.

“We are always happy to help,” she added.

UVAFinance will continue to help with additional ExpenseUVA training by hosting in-person lab sessions post go-live, where users can bring in their first travel workbooks or T&E Card reconciliations and work through the process with assistance. FOC and the Travel and Expense Team made the choice to offer these sessions after go-live as a way for users to get live support when entering expenses and to reinforce the online learning.

Sometimes, all users need to feel better about change is a reassuring voice explaining clearly what the next steps are and how to navigate the process, and as long as there is change, FOC will gladly be that reassuring voice, whether that is in-person or online.

ExpenseUVA and ExpenseUVA training can be accessed online at

To view training offerings from Finance Outreach and Compliance, visit

Notes from the Mayor

A collection of upcoming dates, useful info, and general intelligence you need, straight from the desk of Carruthers Mayor Stacey Rittenhouse . . . just in case you deleted the email.

Door Access to Sponsored Programs

As of Monday, April 17th, the door at the top of the stairs on the south end of the building leading into the Office of Sponsored Programs is locked to visitors. Access will be set up the same as the SFS doors downstairs. During business hours, no code will be required, before and after hours, a code will be required. All employees in Carruthers will have access to this door with their ID. Signage has been added to make this clear to visitors.

UVAFinance is a Fragrance-Free Workplace

UVAFinance is promoting a fragrance-free environment to protect our employees’ health. We ask for your support and cooperation in promoting a fragrance-free workplace, effective immediately. Fragrances from personal care products, air fresheners, candles, and infusers have been associated with adversely affecting a person’s health including headaches, upper respiratory symptoms, shortness of breath, and difficulty with concentration. 

UVAFinance recognizes the hazards caused by exposure to scented products and we are promoting a fragrance-free environment for all employees to keep a safe and healthy workplace environment. This applies to all UVAFinance employees:
  • All offices and spaces used by the staff will remain free of scented products. The use of air fresheners, candles and/or infusers are not permitted in the workplace. 
  • Employees will be mindful of strong scents including personal care products such as cologne, perfume, aftershave lotions, scented lotions, fragranced hair products and/or similar products. All employees are responsible for promoting an environment where employees respect one another and their place of work. 
Moving to a fragrance-free workplace will involve making some changes; please bring any concerns to your manager’s attention and we will work with you to find solutions.

Thank you for helping to maintain an environment where all employees respect one another and their place of work!

Spring Fling is Coming!

Fried chicken, veggie burgers, potato salad, chips, cookies . . .  are you hungry yet?  Don't forget to mark your calendar to join UVAFinance colleagues for these treats and more at Spring Fling 2017 on May 3.
Click to Enlarge

UVAFinance Doesn't Feed the Phish!

That phish never stood a chance!
There was a remarkable difference between an ITS phishing simulation conducted in UVAFinance this March compared to one held last fall.

Total “phishy” messages sent: 245

Number of people who clicked on the email link (only): 4

Number of people who clicked on the email link and then entered a password: 2

Spring rate of Phishing success: .8%

Fall rate of Phishing success: 30%

What made the difference?

Between last fall and spring, 99% of UVAFinance employees completed the “SecureUVA: Best Practices to Avoid Hacking and Phishing” led by Jason Belford, Chief Information Security Officer, and Karen McDowell, Information Security Analyst, both of ITS.

UVAFinance held five on-site SecureUVA training sessions, hosted a webinar, and recorded the webinar and made it available as an online training module for UVAFinance staff in Employee Self-Service.

Protecting the University’s data (and personal data) is extremely important and becoming more difficult. “Phishing expeditions” like the ones conducted by ITS, along with thorough training, allows users of technology to learn to identify potential scams.

UVAFinance is vigilant in our efforts to keep our systems and information secure through taking part in training efforts like SecureUVA.

If you are a member of UVAFinance and would like access to the online training module to complete the training requirement or to be able to refer to as a refresher, please contact Patty Marbury at

More information on SecureUVA and phishing prevention is available here.

Innovative Research & Development RFP Process Presented at Regional Conference

At this year’s National Association of Educational Procurement’s Annual Meeting, conference attendees were treated to a breakout session given by Kristin Floyd, Senior Buyer in Procurement and Supplier Diversity Services (PSDS). 

Kristin Floyd, Senior Buyer, PSDS
Floyd’s session, “Research RFP: Procurement Collaborates with the Research Community,” detailed the unconventional Request for Proposal (RFP) issued by UVA to research and development (R&D) vendors in April 2016.

Floyd shared with a packed room how, a year ago, she solicited responses from R&D vendors in various categories of goods and services, and, rather than awarding a contract to a single vendor, UVA sought to award contract vendor status to as many vendors as possible.

The aim of the innovative approach was to reduce the administrative burden on departments, to eliminate single-source documentation, all while satisfying competitive requirements and automate vendor setup in the e-commerce Marketplace.

During her presentation, Floyd shared the reasoning behind the novel approach.

“We realized we were receiving so many sole source justifications for research because the items researchers need are so specialized, often custom made. There just weren’t enough existing contracts to satisfy researchers’ needs,” she said.

And, since the sole-source justification process is rather convoluted, especially from a principal investigator’s perspective, PSDS decided to be flexible, accommodate the needs of researchers, and add value to purchasing services. They streamlined both the documentation and award process and required vendors to provide a high level of customer service, a warranty/guarantee on goods and services, and meet discount guidelines.

Results of the new approach have been excellent, as PSDS has seen a steady increase in the percentage of spend with R&D contract vendors, corresponding with a steady reduction in cost per transaction with those vendors.

As a part of her session, Floyd found herself giving an impromptu lesson on Lean concepts, as she shared with the audience how she used some of the skills she learned in her UVAFinance Lean classes to work on this project.

Many of the audience members shared with Floyd that they considered doing the same thing, but that they hadn’t figured out how to execute the process, and how to collaborate with peers, as UVA had with the Virginia Higher Education Procurement Cooperative, to allow for enhanced negotiations and cooperative access to contracts.

Conference promotional materials touted the session as an opportunity for listeners to “learn from someone who dared to reimagine their procurement process.”

As for Floyd, she says she’s glad the message resonated with the audience.

“Doing business with all vendors is a different mindset than we’ve historically had, but it’s worth thinking about how we can do things differently to serve our stakeholders better,” she said.

For more information on PSDS’ R&D Program, contact Kristin Floyd.

Ufirst Update: A Recap of What's New and Upcoming

The Ufirst Project team continues to work hard to improve the way HR is experienced at UVA. The key in all of their recent activities has been focusing on the UVA community and gathering insights from subject matter resources (SMRs), a group of more than 150 people representing all areas:

  • Hosting Workday Initial Design Sessions: the Ufirst Technology team and UVA SMRs have been meeting with the system implementer to discuss system requirements.
  • Collecting insights of another SMR group on the topics of talent management, recruitment, employee relations, and more.
  • Meeting with HR professionals and SMRs from all areas to address the Human Resources Business Partner design.
  • Conducting a customer feedback and engagement survey to determine the needs of HR professionals and customers.
You can read more about current efforts on the Ufirst website. Check out the latest news, sign up for the Ufirst newsletter, and much more.

You’re also invited to attend the Ufirst Information Fair on Thursday, May 9, from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm (come and go). Attendees will be able to view a demonstration of the new, cloud-based technology, learn more about future-state services, position descriptions, and organizational chart, and much more.

UVAFinance has three Ufirst area representatives who are happy to answer your questions and direct you to more information: UVAFinance HR Consultant Ashley Feero, Voice of the Customer Lynne Schwar, and Change Champion Brandi Van Ormer).

Still not sure what Ufirst is all about? Check out the video on the Ufirst home page!

Friday, April 7, 2017

The Art of Sponsored Research: Kelly Morrison Joins Sponsored Programs

The Office of Sponsored Programs’ new Director of Pre Award, Kelly Morrison, has over ten years of experience in the field of research administration at the department, school, and central administration levels, experience that makes her leadership a great asset to OSP.  She also has an abiding love of and interest in art and art history, which gives her a unique perspective on the research enterprise.

According to Morrison, working with sponsored research is a lot like interpreting artwork. 

“When you look at a work of art, it’s important to try to understand it in context of history and the artists’ intentions.  If you try to interpret it separately from that context, you won’t get the most complete understanding,” Morrison said, citing one of her favorite artists, Roberto Matta, a Chilean painter whose works were deeply influenced by political turmoil. 

“It’s the same thing with sponsored research: if you’re looking at an agreement, you have to understand it in the context of the scope of work, the budget, and all of those other key elements to get the complete understanding you need.”
The Earth is a Man - Roberto Matta

This holistic understanding may be one of the drivers of Morrison’s proven successes in the field of research administration.  Most recently the director of the Office for Sponsored Research at Northwestern University’s Evanston campus, Morrison oversaw $850 million in proposals and $230 million in awards each year, including large-scale, multi-institutional awards, master agreements with industry as well as the sponsored programs portfolio of Northwestern’s campus in Doha, Qatar.

While at Northwestern, Morrison provided support and advisement to its interdisciplinary research centers, led functional development and implementation of enterprise systems and reports that supported the research enterprise, facilitated Northwestern’s participation in several cross-sector Manufacturing Innovation Institutes, and led the redesign of cost sharing management across all Northwestern’s campuses. 

Her experience developing systems to support the research enterprise will come into play quickly at UVA, as she will play an important role in developing ResearchUVA into a pre-award system.
Coming from New York City and having spent the last ten years in Chicago, Morrison’s transition from urban life to UVA and Charlottesville has been an adjustment, but not an unwelcome one.

“In terms of the surroundings, it’s so beautiful here, no matter where you walk or drive,” said Morrison, adding that the unique culture at UVA has also been interesting to learn.

“There’s a commitment here to the idea of lifelong learning,” she said, observing that OSP is part of that larger context.

“That also applies to where we are in OSP – we’ve undergone a tremendous period of growth and change, and there’s so much more to do.  There’s an appetite for organizational change here, and a focus on research in a deep and meaningful way.”

Morrison already has some critical goals in mind to take the department into the future.  From compliance to customer service, she’s developing a list of priorities that center around people, processes and systems.

“The pre-award team is a very lean group with a large volume of work coming through,” she remarked. 

“I am so impressed with and grateful for all the work they’ve done while this position was vacant.”

As Morrison and the team transition into their future state, Morrison says her focus will be on establishing the appropriate infrastructure to support them and their work, and assuring both a high level of compliance and customer service. 

Although her work will be focused on ensuring institutional compliance, standard operating procedures, adequate staffing, and establishing processes and best practices, you can bet Morrison will be using the unique insights she has honed through her years as a thoughtful consumer of art:

“Ask questions, seek to understand the context, think about it critically, and interrogate it – just as you do with art.  There’s always a connection.”

ExpenseUVA: As Go-Live Approaches, Ambassadors are Paving the Way

ExpenseUVA, the online expense management system, is set to go live April 17.  The rollout of this system will affect everyone who gets reimbursed for expenses incurred in the course of doing University business, as well as everyone who makes University-related purchases with a Travel & Expense Card. 

As you might imagine, that’s a lot of people. 

How do you roll out a new program to nearly 4,000 users? 

The Travel & Expense Team in UVAFinance, along with its partners in ITS, will tell you that it takes a lot of work and a lot of support and collaboration from partners in schools and business units.  

For several months, a group of over 60 representatives from each area called Ambassadors have been trained in the system, have participated in testing of the system, and have been working within their area to help tailor a rollout plan that fits that school or unit’s specific needs. 

Using the Ambassador model means each school/unit has its own plan that makes sense for its particular needs. 

SOM ExpenseUVA Ambassadors Unique Braxton and Ben Baer
answer questions at one of their many training sessions.
“We have been working to prepare the Ambassadors and provide them with resources so they can provide the best level of support to meet the needs of their areas,” said Dolores Hildebrand, Assistant Director of Procurement and Supplier Diversity Services and ExpenseUVA project lead.

“We’re so impressed by the way our Ambassadors and partners in the schools and units have taken ExpenseUVA and run with it,” she adds.

“We definitely couldn’t do it without them.”

Here are just a few stories of how a disparate group of schools and business units have handled the uniquely-structured rollout of ExpenseUVA.

School of Medicine: Training the trainers (and training, and training, and training)

With over 40 departments and faculty and staff based everywhere from McKim Hall to the Ray C. Hunt building and many points in between, ExpenseUVA Ambassadors Ben Baer and Unique Braxton of the School of Medicine (SOM) had their work cut out for them from the beginning.  

Read More

Advancement: Providing refreshers after go-live

Westley du Pont is one of the first to admit that if she doesn’t have the opportunity to practice a new skill she’s been taught, she’ll forget it pretty quickly.   Because she knows most people are in the same boat as she is, du Pont, Administrative Staff Assistant in University Advancement and ExpenseUVA Ambassador, decided early on that she wanted to pay special attention to the part of the rollout that came after go-live. 

Darden: Many travelers, lots of questions

There’s a significant amount of travel occurring amongst the faculty and staff of Darden Business School. Between the admissions and career development group and the faculty, who are involved with global student programs and research conferences, travel expenses are a significant portion of the expenses processed by Beth Van Hook’s office.

Thank you to all of the ExpenseUVA Ambassadors, subject matter experts, and fiscal whizzes out there who have partnered with the Travel & Expense Team to make this rollout as pain-free as possible.  Your efforts will make all the difference, and you are much appreciated!

For more information on ExpenseUVA, an Ambassador Database, access to training, and much more visit Procurement and Supplier Diversity Services’ Travel and Expense site.

UVAFinance Commits to Early Adoption of UBI

Get your financial reporting wish lists ready! 

UVAFinance has set a goal of June 1 to have all users transitioned from Discoverer to UBI for currently-available reports.  As a part of our goal to be early-adopters, all Finance users are encouraged to share their unmet reporting needs by the end of April, so the UBI team will have time to address any special needs for GA, GL, and LD reports.

UBI team members take questions during
 a recent UVAFinance Lunch and Learn
Finance users should send their “wishlist” items to UBI Area Champion Kelly Hochstetler  by April 30.

Hochstetler has been working with UBI Liaison / “Financial Ninja” Ashley Bagby to track UVAFinance Discoverer and UBI usage, and to provide helpful hints and resources for users who have not yet made the switch.

Hochstetler reports that 75% of UVAFinance’s users of financial reports are relying on UBI. (Good job, everyone!)

“Two reasons some users are still relying on Discoverer are that it’s been so long since they completed their UBI training that they don’t remember how to use the system, and also that they think the reports they need for GA, GL, and LD aren’t available in UBI,” she said.

There’s good news on both of those fronts:  the UBI team and active users within UVAFinance are happy to help all users re-orient themselves with the reporting tool, and most high-usage reports in Discoverer are already available in UBI.  

In the interest of offering any needed help users might need to wean themselves off of Discoverer, members of the UBI training team stopped by for a Lunch and Learn session with UVAFinance team members on March 21.  They recapped what’s currently available in UBI and opened up a discussion on what might still be missing, and introduced them to all of the great resources available in the UBI Community.

The transition from UBI to Discoverer grow more important with each passing day, as the August “sunset date” for  Discoverer’s GA/GL/LD reports draws nearer.  

Hochstetler said that early adoption is a priority for UVAFinance, because, as UVA’s “trusted financial partner,” we should be UBI’s strongest advocates.

She said other early-adoption goals will be set once the UBI team knows what they’ll have to address from the UVAFinance “wish list.”

Watch the blog for more information on early adoption, and let Kelly know if you have questions or ideas on how to increase the UVAFinance adoption rate!

Financial Aid and Days on the Lawn: SFS partners with Admissions to answer student questions

For over 25 years, spring at UVA has been marked by the arrival of admitted students, parents in tow, ready to take part in UVA’s annual “Days on the Lawn” open house event. 

Days on the Lawn (DOTL) offers students a chance to spend a full day on Grounds, interacting with current students, checking out informational sessions and tours at each school, attending a resource fair, and going on residence hall tours.  It’s a great opportunity for admitted students to make their final decisions about whether or not UVA is right for them.

One important factor in that decision is, of course, financial aid, and that’s why Student Financial Services partners with UVA Admissions to offer both general information and one-on-one sessions with students and parents while they’re visiting UVA.

Each year, SFS staff cross check the list of RSVPs to DOTL with their records, and send an invitation to those who may have questions about their financial aid award or who haven’t yet completed their application for financial aid to come talk to an SFS counselor while they’re on Grounds. 

Scott Miller, Director of Student Financial Aid, says the sessions serve a practical purpose. 

“Our counselors can help make sure students get the aid they need.  We help them know what they can get and help them make an informed decision on what they can afford,” he said.

Students visit tables at the Resource Fair associated with DOTL
“The best part is, we help them solve any problems and get them the answers they need before official decision deadlines.”

DOTL 2017 spans six dates, from March 20 to April 17.  For each of those dates, SFS staff show up to staff a table at the resource fair, host a daily Parents’ Forum, and, of course, to counsel students and parents in those one-on-one sessions. 

SFS Communications Manager Chris Doran says that for each DOTL date, about a third of the invited families will attend the counseling sessions. 

“Some days are busier than others,” Doran said; “our traffic depends on how popular that particular Days on the Lawn date has been.”  

With three dates left in this year’s DOTL schedule, SFS counselors have already met with over 100  students and  their parents.

Jenn Bari, Contact Center Manager in SFS, checks students in
for one-on-one sessions with financial aid counselors.
Prospective student Samiha Mohammed and her mother talked with a counselor during the April 3 session.  Both she and her mother agree the interaction was valuable. 

“I didn’t know that I had made an error on my financial aid application, but the counselor noticed, and he also explained interest rates, and the difference between subsidized and unsubsidized loans,” she said.

Mohammed is planning on studying Computer Science, and says the session was vital to her final decision.  “It definitely helped.”

Notes from the Mayor

A collection of upcoming dates, useful info, and general intelligence you need, straight from the desk of Carruthers Mayor Stacey Rittenhouse . . . just in case you deleted the email.

Listed below are upcoming courses, workshops, labs, and Brown Bag Sessions for April, May, and June 2017!

We hope you will take advantage of these professional development opportunities for finance professionals. Descriptions of the classes, as well as links to enroll via Employee Self-Service are available from the Events section on the Finance Outreach and Compliance website at

Brown Bag Sessions
  • Year-end Purchasing Procedures
It’s that time of the year! Find out what you need to do to be ready for Fiscal Year-end. A representative from Procurement and Supplier Diversity Services will review the scheduled dates and what departments should be doing to prepare.
    • April 12, 12:00-2:00
    • Presented by Linda Mayo and Charles Kidd, Procurement and Supplier Diversity Services
    • Carruthers Hall, Carr-1/Carr-2

·        Using UBI: Tips and Tricks (2 Sessions)
o   Thursday, April 20, 12:00-2:00  and Wednesday, June 28, 12:00-2:00
o   Presented by Ashley Bagby, Managerial Reporting Project
o   Bavaro Hall, Holloway Hall Auditorium (room 116)

·        Using America To Go
Do you order food for business lunches or events for your department? Do you use or plan to use America To Go? If so, join us for this session where representatives from America To Go and Procurement and Supplier Diversity Services will provide an overview of the America To Go catalog; ordering tips and tricks, including how to place custom orders, how to utilize the America To Go system to set up multiple catering events, and tips on developing strategic relationship with caterers, and how to look up SWaM vendors. You will also learn about the tax benefits of using America To Go and have the opportunity to ask questions about using America To Go.
o   May 3, 12:00-2:00
o   Presented by Vivian Bordon, America To Go
o   Carruthers Hall, Carr-1/Carr-2

  • The Steps of Change
Despite the fact that we're constantly faced with change, most of us spend our time fighting or ignoring it. In this workshop, we'll learn about the stages everyone goes through when experiencing change and what is needed to successfully navigate these changes.
    • May 10, 12:00-2:00
    • Presented by Theran Fisher, Center for Leadership Excellence
    • Bavaro Hall, Holloway Hall Auditorium (room 116)

·        ExpenseUVA: Overview and Demo
In April 2017, the University implemented ExpenseUVA, a new expense management system. In this session you will have the opportunity to see a demo of the system, learn about best practices for reporting both travel and non-travel expenses, and ask questions.
o   June 14, 12:00-2:00
o   Carruthers Hall, Carr-1/Carr-2

Courses, Workshops, and Labs

  • Finance Fundamentals
What is UVA’s mission? What is the Code of Ethics and why is it important? What is the organizational structure of UVA and where do you fit in? What is a PTAEO? What are the sources of revenue at UVA and how are funds processed? What do you need to know about internal controls, and what are some best practices to follow? In this class you will get answers to these questions and more, as well as have an opportunity to interact and network with other administrative professionals. This class is a required course for access to the finance applications in the Integrated System, but is also open to anyone who wants to learn about UVA’s financial operations.

    • April 10, 1:30-4:30 (New date!)
    • April 25, 1:30-4:30
    • May 9, 1:30-4:30
    • May 23, 1:30-4:30
    • June 15, 1:30-4:30
    • June 27, 1:30-4:30
    • All sessions are held in Carruthers Hall, Conference Room 2

  • Mastering Account Reconciliations
This course is designed to navigate the expenditure reconciliation process at the University of Virginia using Recon@ UVA. In this course, we discuss how to comply with policy and procedure to accurately complete your monthly expenditure reconciliations. This course will be most useful for UVA Staff and Faculty who prepare, review, and approve expenditure reconciliations.
    • May 11, 1:30-4:00
    • Carruthers Hall, Conference Room 2

  • General Ledger Revenue Reconciliations Workshop
This course will provide guidance in performing revenue reconciliations at the University of Virginia and understanding the requirements. In this course, we discuss how to comply with policy and procedure to accurately complete your monthly revenue reconciliations.
    • June 1, 1:30-4:00 (New date!)
    • Carruthers Hall, Conference Room 2

  • TravelUVA: Lab
Do you need help with Concur, UVA’s new travel booking system? During this lab, you will be able to practice, ask questions and even log into the live system and book upcoming travel with the help of travel experts from Procurement and Supplier Diversity Services. The lab has an open format – come any time during the session and stay as long as you like. Please enroll in a class so that they are not overbooked.
    • April 12, 9:00-10:30
    • May 18, 2:00-3:30
    • June 15, 9:00-10:30
    • All sessions listed above will be held in Michie North, room 219

·        ExpenseUVA: Lab
Do you need help with UVA's new expense management system, ExpenseUVA? During this lab, you will be able to log into the live system and submit expense reports help from the UVAFinance team. You will also learn where to go for resources and help. IMPORTANT: This class is a lab where you can come for help with entering actual expenses, and is not intended to replace the online training. Please complete the Expense Management System - Online Training prior to attending the lab and bring your work with you. Please arrive at the stated time of the class and then stay as long as you like.
o   Multiple sessions will be offered beginning April 18, 2017
o   Most sessions will be held at 2400 Old Ivy Road, room 136; several sessions at Michie North, room 219; several sessions at Mechanical Engineering, room 215.
o   For immediate training and help, please refer to the online training Expense Management System - Online Training

As always, if you have any questions, suggestions, or need to discuss training needs, please contact