Thursday, April 20, 2017

Notes from the Mayor

A collection of upcoming dates, useful info, and general intelligence you need, straight from the desk of Carruthers Mayor Stacey Rittenhouse . . . just in case you deleted the email.

Door Access to Sponsored Programs

As of Monday, April 17th, the door at the top of the stairs on the south end of the building leading into the Office of Sponsored Programs is locked to visitors. Access will be set up the same as the SFS doors downstairs. During business hours, no code will be required, before and after hours, a code will be required. All employees in Carruthers will have access to this door with their ID. Signage has been added to make this clear to visitors.

UVAFinance is a Fragrance-Free Workplace

UVAFinance is promoting a fragrance-free environment to protect our employees’ health. We ask for your support and cooperation in promoting a fragrance-free workplace, effective immediately. Fragrances from personal care products, air fresheners, candles, and infusers have been associated with adversely affecting a person’s health including headaches, upper respiratory symptoms, shortness of breath, and difficulty with concentration. 

UVAFinance recognizes the hazards caused by exposure to scented products and we are promoting a fragrance-free environment for all employees to keep a safe and healthy workplace environment. This applies to all UVAFinance employees:
  • All offices and spaces used by the staff will remain free of scented products. The use of air fresheners, candles and/or infusers are not permitted in the workplace. 
  • Employees will be mindful of strong scents including personal care products such as cologne, perfume, aftershave lotions, scented lotions, fragranced hair products and/or similar products. All employees are responsible for promoting an environment where employees respect one another and their place of work. 
Moving to a fragrance-free workplace will involve making some changes; please bring any concerns to your manager’s attention and we will work with you to find solutions.

Thank you for helping to maintain an environment where all employees respect one another and their place of work!

Spring Fling is Coming!

Fried chicken, veggie burgers, potato salad, chips, cookies . . .  are you hungry yet?  Don't forget to mark your calendar to join UVAFinance colleagues for these treats and more at Spring Fling 2017 on May 3.
Click to Enlarge

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