Thursday, June 15, 2017

T-Minus 30 days until Office 365 launches within UVAFinance!

On July 12, Office 365 will go live for UVAFinance, a long-anticipated upgrade that includes email/calendar and Skype for Business. Users will see immediate benefits such as
  • A more robust Outlook Web App (OWA) that will look and function more like the desktop version, including access to tasks and shared calendars.
  • An increased email quota (50GB compared to today’s 6B)
  • The ability to download and use the Microsoft Outlook Mobile App, which, among other benefits, will provide a perfectly synced calendar 
  • Fully supported Skype for Business, including instant messaging, voice and video calls, desktop sharing, and much more. 
Watch for more emails with additional information from the Office 365 Project Team as go-live draws near. In the meantime, you can prepare for the upgrade by

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