Friday, August 18, 2017

Getting the Most out of UBI

A few tips and tricks before we ride off into the sunset

At a recent Fiscal Administrators’ meeting, the UBI Team shared some helpful information on frequent stumbling blocks experienced by UBI users.  In the coming weeks, we’ll recap those tips here on the blog. Check back for more tips during the month of August!

Clicker’s Anonymous: Verifying accurate data

UBI is fast and flexible, but also “touchy” because it's interactive. If you click on an item, it filters by that item. Because of this, always be sure to verify your current selections in the “current selections box” down at the bottom of the screen. This way, you can make sure you’re looking at things by what through the filter you intended.

Read more about this on page 10 of the UBI Manual!

Shades of Gray: What it means to choose an item that’s in gray

What does it mean if you choose an item in gray within UBI? The short answer is, those grayed-out values have no association with what’s selected. If you click on a grayed-out value, it will reset the filters you’ve already applied.

For more information about field colors in UBI, visit UBIC!

Tabs, Tabs Everywhere:  Finding the AccessPoint

When you open a module from the AccessPoint, it opens up in a new tab.  This can make getting back to the access point a little confusing.  The good news is, the AccessPoint is always up above as a browser tab in the background. Users can even go back to the AccessPoint, open up a new module in a completely separate tab on their browser, and run two reports at once.  You don’t have to close down one to run another!

These tips and tricks will be updated regularly during August – check back for more or subscribe to our updates to know when new content is posted. 

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