Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Green on the Go

From the Carruthers Hall Green Team

Click to view the image at a larger size
You have lots of options to be greener when it comes to getting around Grounds, around Charlottesville, and even going out of town.  The image to the right, provided by UVA Parking & Transportation and the Office of Sustainability, will get you thinking about what options could work well for you.

Don't forget that you're guaranteed a ride home if you use alternative transportation:  check out the details at http://rideshareinfo.org/grh/

Don't Miss SWaM Enterprise Day: September 18, Newcomb Hall Ballroom

Note:  This event is canceled  

Weather forecasts have Hurricane Florence passing through Charlottesville over the weekend with heavy rains, high winds, extensive flooding, and power outages across the area expected through the middle of next week. As much as we’d love to see you, we feel it prudent and wise to cancel the SWaM Day event scheduled for Sep 18. Be safe as you care for your friends, family, and neighbors during this storm.

Friday, August 17, 2018


Cool stuff around the University that you might've missed

The Vice President for Research has published their new edition of "Research by the Numbers." Shout out to all of our Research Administrators!  Check the new numbers out here.


Have you seen something cool at UVA that might be useful or interesting to your colleagues? Send it to bv8h@virginia.edu and maybe we can share it in the blog!

Register now for Lean Fluency

We’re excited to announce the next Lean Fluency class, which will be held on Tuesday, September 25, 9:00-12:00, in Carruthers Hall, Conference Rooms 1 and 2. This course is designed to familiarize learners with the basics of Lean principles, vocabulary, and tools and is open to all, although UVAFinance employees have priority.

Description: You’ve probably heard colleagues talk about Lean but if you don't understand the concepts of Lean or know the terminology, it may seem like they are speaking a different language. If you feel like the intent of process improvement initiatives is being lost in translation, then register for Lean Fluency!

This course incorporates three phases of learning:
  • Phase 1 - Pre-workshop activities including watching 5 brief videos, creating a process map, and completing an exercise guide (will take approximately 1 hour)
  • Phase 2 - 3-hour facilitated workshop
  • Phase 3 - Post-workshop activities (will take 1-2 hours)

Here’s what a few participants from the pilot session have said about the class:
A must-take class! I really wanted to learn what everyone was talking about and so glad that I did. Don’t be put off by the 3-hour timeframe; there is so much information that is presented in a wide variety of formats that will keep you interested and engaged the whole time. I really appreciated the pre-class assignment, which prepared me to be successful in grasping the process. Come join the LEAN team! – Mara Hilliar, Office of the VP for Finance 
I thought the Lean Fluency class was great! It was the right amount of time spent on the topics, and I came out of it with a much better understanding of Lean principles, and potential application of them. If you haven’t been exposed to Lean, this is a great way to start. – Dave Boling, FP&A and UFirst
It was a fun class – interesting, informal, and informative. I learned a lot. – Joyce Dunn, PSDS

Register HERE by September 12, 2018.

If you have questions, please contact the training team at foc-training@virginia.edu.

Get on the Joyce Express!

Joyce Dunn, Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services’ Customer Service Representative, is out on extended medical leave. Joyce has been at the University for many years, and has brightened the days of countless faculty, staff, and vendors throughout her career.

Many of you have expressed interest in sending Joyce well-wishes.  Tina Brice in PSDS has volunteered to bring wishes from UVA to Joyce a few times a week. Here’s how you can help:
  • Free notecards and postcards are available in the PSDS lunch area on a shelf on top of the microwave. Place the notecard in the envelope marked “The Joyce Express.”
  • Send a card to Joyce Dunn’s attention at PO Box 400202.
  • Send an email to Shannon Wampler . She will print your email out and place it in the envelope.
Joyce is really enjoying the cards and notes, and PSDS would like to thank everyone for reaching out to help.

Meet our consulting partners

As you may have read, UVAFinance is partnering with Deloitte as our consulting firm during the planning phase of Finance Strategic Transformation. Over the next few months, you're likely to run into them if you're in Carruthers, or as part of activities and meetings surrounding FST, so we wanted to introduce them to you. Others will join the team as we move forward; we'll be sure and introduce them as well!

Jim Kemp, Lead Engagement Director

Jim has an extensive background in transformative efforts in higher education and academic medical centers. His experience includes leading planning and improvement efforts for a number of top research-intensive universities in the US, as well as leading planning projects at large, decentralized universities gaining insights into the opportunities and challenges of moving to the cloud. Prior to joining Deloitte, he was CFO for an Ivy League medical school with $1.6B in operating revenues and a faculty practice plan, and he also oversaw the financial administration of a sponsored research portfolio at a top-ten research-intensive university.

Sue DeVos, Project Management Oversight

Sue brings more than 30 years of experience working with financial senior management in universities, academic medical centers, and healthcare systems. She has 20 years of experience in consulting on the business transformation of higher education and healthcare institutions. Most recently, she served as Project Manager for the preparation of a Business Case including Total Cost of Ownership for a Workday Financials implementation at a large, public doctoral highest research activity university with a health system.

Renae Ebert, Software as a Service, ERP Financials

Renae has extensive experience working with higher education and health care provider clients on their finance transformation journey to the cloud by sharing lessons learned assessing and implementing Workday and other ERPs for multiple types of R1 institutions with related academic medical centers (AMCs). Her areas of specialization include financials, grants post-award, process design and re-engineering, functional configuration, chart of accounts design and remediation, back-office optimization, and full life cycle Software as a Service deployments for large research institutions with related academic medical centers. Most recently, she facilitated process maturity workshops and Workday Financials assessment for two large research universities with related health systems.

Tom Roake, Change Management

Tom has nine years of experience in providing change management services in support of large-scale enterprise resource planning implementations. Tom served as the Organizational Change Management lead for the implementation of Workday Financials at a R1 university, providing oversight of change, communications, and training work streams through go-live. His team conducted a change impact assessment, managed a change agent network, delivered regular communications, conducted periodic readiness assessments, supported role mapping, and managed knowledge transfer activities across the project. The team also developed and delivered a comprehensive training program and provided training to over 5,000 users.

Questions about the Online Finance Community?

Curious about the online community launching this fall on the Jive platform?  Now through the first weeks of launch this fall, we're available to answer your questions.  For an immediate response, reach out any Monday, from 2-3 or Friday from 9:30 - 10:30,  via telephone, Skype, email or in person. 

Questions and comments are always welcome at financetransformation@virginia.edu 

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Finance Strategic Transformation Update

UVAFinance has engaged Deloitte as our chosen consulting firm to partner with us during the planning phase of Finance Strategic Transformation.

We’re pleased to have Deloitte on board to help us identify steps we can take to enable us to do our work even better in the future. They’re a great group that we expect will work well with our excellent team and stakeholders.

If you’d like to know more about what the planning phase involves, please visit the VP Finance webpage.

Your questions and concerns are welcome. You can easily share ideas and questions on Finance Strategic Transformation with us via financetransformation@virginia.edu.

Monday, August 6, 2018

What's an online community like?

By now you may have heard that UVAFinance is expanding the Jive Community used for UBI to include a dedicated online place for everyone who "does finance" across UVA.

At first, our focus will be Finance Strategic Transformation: you'll be able to find out everything you need to know, get your questions answered, share ideas, see timelines for the project, and more.

Right now, we're busy building the community and expect to launch it in late August.  

If you're not a user (or not a frequent user) of the UBI Community, you may be wondering what an online community is like.  We've got you, Finance Fam!  Today's blog post will show you a few cool things going on in the UBI Community that will whet your appetite for the awesomeness that communities offer.   

Let's peruse a few screenshots from the UBI Community, shall we?  (after the jump)

Friday, August 3, 2018

Got a hard problem to solve? Come to this session from Organizational Excellence!

Go to organizationalexcellence.virginia.edu/event/2131 to register!

Practical steps you can take NOW to be greener at work and home


Your workspace and home could be full of vampires!  Vampire electronics are those devices we leave on and plugged up even when we aren't using them.  Those devices cost Americans $19 billion in wasted electricity yearly.  Save money and energy by unplugging devices you're not using. 

Use this calculator to see your yearly savings when you unplug these common devices:


The ROSE Program (Reusable Office Supply Exchange) collects gently or never used office supplies from departments throughout U.Va. and makes these materials available to the community. Stop by the Recycling warehouse to drop off or take whatever supplies you like! The ROSE Program is located in the Recycling building at the end of Leake Drive, and is open Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

If you would like to make a donation to the ROSE program, please call U.Va. Recycling at (434) 982-5050.


Paper, plastic, aluminum, glass -- we're familiar with these, of course!  Did you know UVA also offers e-cycling, for items like batteries and electronics?  You can read more about what (and how) UVA recycles here: 



Contact a member of the Carruthers Hall Green Team if you have questions or ideas about being green.

New custom order feature makes planning a catered event easier!

Planning a catered event is complicated.

UVA Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services just made it a little easier.

If your department has specific catering needs that don't always conform to the America to Go catalog's ordering options, we have good news!

America To Go has provided UVA a solution to reduce the hassle of catering orders and to make organizing a complicated event less complicated. This new custom order feature:
  • Allows anyone -- even planners without Marketplace access -- to place a custom catering order directly with the caterer.
  • The caterer enters the quote into the UVA Marketplace, and the fiscal administrator (identified by the planner) is notified by email to process the order.
  • It's a simple and flexible ordering process designed to make your next catered event easier to manage! To learn how to use this feature, please click on the guide below.

To learn how to use this feature, please see:

Collaboration Fatigue: Finance Matters

Every great organization encourages teamwork and collaboration, and for good reason: the rewards in productivity and morale are great. As workplaces become more and more collaborative, though, there's something we should watch out for: collaboration fatigue. Did you know that 20 - 35 % of all value-added collaboration comes from just 3-5 % of employees? That can put some employees on the path to burnout while leaving a significant portion of the workforce untapped. Patty and Brandi discuss this topic with guest Jessica Rafter, UBI Community Manager. 

Great book selections, great discussions: UVAFinance Book Club

Read more here