Monday, August 6, 2018

What's an online community like?

By now you may have heard that UVAFinance is expanding the Jive Community used for UBI to include a dedicated online place for everyone who "does finance" across UVA.

At first, our focus will be Finance Strategic Transformation: you'll be able to find out everything you need to know, get your questions answered, share ideas, see timelines for the project, and more.

Right now, we're busy building the community and expect to launch it in late August.  

If you're not a user (or not a frequent user) of the UBI Community, you may be wondering what an online community is like.  We've got you, Finance Fam!  Today's blog post will show you a few cool things going on in the UBI Community that will whet your appetite for the awesomeness that communities offer.   

Let's peruse a few screenshots from the UBI Community, shall we?  (after the jump)

Click each image for a larger view.

Exhibit One:  A Wealth of Useful Info

Look at all the ways UBI users can find helpful info:  there's resources,
training links, a calendar with links to in-person help sessions, and links
to question/answer sections of the site.  

 Exhibit Two:  Ask a Question, Get a Good Answer

Users can ask questions about how to use UBI, why their report didn't turn out
like they thought it would, and so much more.  There's always someone from
the UBI team to answer.  Plus, colleagues across Grounds can chime in on ways
they use the tool, solutions they've found, etc. 

Exhibit Three:  Your Ideas are Welcome

In the Ideas section, users can post their ideas for functionality, or for problems the
UBI Team should prioritize next.  As a group, they help make the tool better
for everyone, and users can even vote on which ideas should be considered first.

Your ideas for how the Finance Community takes shape are always welcome -- please feel free to share by emailing 

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