Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Finance Strategic Transformation Kickoff

On Friday, October 12, UVAFinance and our stakeholders across Grounds officially kicked off Finance Strategic Transformation.  We're so excited to get started on this journey and so grateful for those who are partnering with us.

Our aim is to keep you in the know.  Please visit the online community for a wealth of FST and kickoff content.  Here's just a sampling of what you can find there:

  • A video of the kickoff presentation
  • Slides shared at the kickoff event (including timelines, project team members, and more)
  • Upcoming events 

Helpful hint about finding things in the community:  You can browse recent content by looking at the homepage or the Activity tab, or you can search by keywords (think:  FST Kickoff)

You can also see pictures from the event here (Flickr).

Remember, your questions, ideas, and comments are welcome any time.  You can share those in the community, via financetransformation@virginia.edu, or directly with Finance leadership. If you prefer an anonymous route, share your  thoughts via the suggestion box in Carruthers Hall coffee area or online at Free Suggestion Box

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