Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Thanks for your help: EAN drive benefits women and families in crisis

Carruthers Hall was one of the 15 collection sites spread out across UVA academic and health system locations for the Exceptional Assistants' Network (EAN) fall donation drive benefitting Shelter of Help in Emergency (SHE).  
Thank you to everyone for your

A high level of giving at all collection sites allowed EAN to fill an entire Facilities van and an additional car with donations of household items for SHE.  Givers across UVA also contributed $1,500 in gift cards to grocery stores and pharmacies as a part of the drive. 

UVAFinance's own Mara Hilliar and Stacey Rittenhouse led collection efforts here at Carruthers.  
Thank you to all who gave, and thank you to EAN for kicking off the season of giving in such a wonderful way!


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