Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Financial Reporting and Operations welcomes Richard Carter

Richard Carter
Richard Carter has joined the Financial Reporting and Operations team in the role of Senior Debt Accountant.  Carter, who has a BS in Finance from Virginia Tech's Pamplin College of Business, has worked at UVA since 2005, longest in Facilities Management and most lately in the Darden School of Business.

In his new role in UVAFinance, Carter will focus on debt-funded activities, as well as reviewing and approving cost transfers and journal entries.  Because many debt-funded activities involve construction, he'll be on familiar ground, since most of his time at facilities was spent working with project teams, administration, and architects, developing budgets and analyzing expenses on construction and renovation projects.

Among his new colleagues include Procurement, a group he became familiar with during his time in Darden as he reviewed contracts as part of his work with the Executive MBA program, global initiatives, and data analytics. 

In many ways, Carter admits, his new role is both a natural progression of his UVA career and a sort of "coming full circle":  he says that his work in UVA's schools and units allowed him to see the challenges and priorities of financial operations, and working in UVAFinance now allows him to see how those individual priorities and challenges roll up to a central point of view, and how they fit into the total financial picture of the University.

His career is also an extension of a family legacy -- both his mother and father were long-term UVA employees.

Although he's in a new role, Carter is no stranger to Carruthers Hall.  Between 2000 and 2005, he spent considerable time in the cages downstairs as a temporary worker, shredding old checks that were sent back from the bank on his holiday and summer breaks, earning some college spending money.

Carter says he finds Carruthers a lot different than he remembers it (less dark and dusty!), but still full of great colleagues doing great work.  "There's a great group of people here," he says, adding that he also enjoys the variety of projects with which he gets to do his intensive type of work.

"I like to sweat the small stuff," he laughs. 

Carter also enjoys playing the drums (he's in a rock/blues band), cooking and trying out new recipes, and getting to the Outer Banks as much as possible.

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