Thursday, June 20, 2019

What's new with Finance Transformation?

We have a new website!  It's a great place to check out project basics, review timelines, find out who from your area is working on the project.  Check out the feedback button in the upper right for an easy way to contact the project team with questions, ideas, or concerns (completely anonymously unless you want to add your name).
Leave the FST a question or comment
in our locked suggestion box!

If you happen to be in Carruthers Hall, you can also leave your thoughts with us via suggestion box in the lobby.

Curious about how we'll resource this project?  Interested in being on the project team?  James Gorman tackles those questions and more in his latest Q&A on the community.  At the bottom of his post, Krisztina Kiss has added Q/A from the great folks at June 12th's Fiscal Administrator meeting. 

We want to hear from you!  

Keep in touch with us:

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