Monday, May 18, 2020

COVID-19 Supply Website from Procurement

As UVA considers how the Commonwealth's phase reopening plans will affect our eventual return to Grounds, Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services is working to make ordering and distribution of personal protective equipment, cleaning supplies and services, and other related items easier and more cost-effective for all.


Supply chain fluctuations currently make it more difficult for the UVA Community to access items such as hand sanitizer, gloves, masks, cleaning supplies, plexiglass, and others that will be necessary to have in place before students, staff, and faculty return to Grounds. 


Visit,which details Procurement's management of coronavirus-related supplies and gives purchasing guidance per category.   The page will be updated often, so check back frequently!


Jenn Glassman, Director of Procurement & Supply Diversity, reminds those who make orders to be wary of working with suppliers you've never worked with before when ordering COVID-related supplies. 


"Err on the side of caution, and please contact us in advance if you are planning large-scale orders or have questions,"  she advises. 

Questions or concerns?  Contact Kristin Floyd



Contact Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services:  or 434-924-4212


Other COVID-related resources from Procurement: 

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