Monday, August 7, 2023

Fund Validations Added for Function Worktag

As of August 4th, validations have been added to the use of the function worktag in Workday Financials.  

Here are some basic points to know about the function validations: 

  • Validations ensure the usage of Scholarships and Fellowships functions (FNH100) only with SC0153-155 and all SCs included in SC hierarchy Scholarships & Fellowships
  • Functions in the hierarchy FNH098 Institutional Support (FN029 - FN034) can only be used by certain Cost Center Hierarchies (configured on Function worktag). 
  • Function FN062 Hospital can only be used by Cost Centers in the UPG and Medical Center CC hierarchies (configured on Function worktag).
  •  Allowed Funds on Designateds will be set equal to the default fund outside of a few exceptions. 

These validations will keep errors from occurring, which is a good thing, but users should be on the lookout for transactions that don't go through.  As long as users aren't changing the fund when they enter a designated value and leave the default, there should be few issues.   If you have problems with transactions due to function errors, please contact Ask Finance

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