Thursday, June 5, 2014

SFS: What's Keeping Us Busy

Student Financial Services is in the thick of creating Official financial aid awards for undergraduate and many graduate students for the 2014-2015 academic year. We have already sent award letters to over 3,900 admitted applicants and approximately 2,000 returning students.

In support of these awarding efforts, SFS now offers students the ability to upload electronic documents directly through their SIS Student Center. This functionality allows us to “outsource” some of the elements of the financial aid organizing process and dramatically condenses the time frame for receiving and validating financial aid documents for review by our financial aid administrators. A process that used to take upwards of 5 minutes can now be completed in as little as 10-15 seconds. How’s that for operational excellence! Not only is this an operations win for SFS, it removes barriers for the people we serve and allows them a simple and convenient way to complete their financial aid tasks.

As we roll through the warming spring months, our efforts will expand to include processing outside scholarships, departmental awarding (mainly for graduate students) and eventually billing students and 3rd-party payers for the Fall 2014 term in mid-July.