Thursday, June 19, 2014

Who Funds Sponsored Programs?

The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), on behalf of the responsible scientists/Principal Investigators (PIs) and in the name of the Rector and Visitors of the University, accepts extramural (external) funding agreements from many different sponsors/sources. The majority of the university’s funding comes from several different Federal agencies. These agencies include, our largest sponsor, The Department of Health and Human Services, as related to the many areas of medical research conducted at UVA. The National Science Foundation, The Department of Education and various sub agencies within the Department of Defense (Army, Navy, etc.) also provide funding. There are many other Federal sponsors not named in this article that support our research, instruction, clinical and university service missions. In addition, we receive funding from the Commonwealth of Virginia, foundations, industry and ‘flow- through’ agreements from other universities. Another important part of the sponsored funding portfolio is for clinical trials.

As Fiscal Year 2014 winds down, UVA has received $260.4 million in sponsored funding.

If you are interested in knowing more about the funding awarded to the University, please go to the OSP home page and navigate to the "FY Reports" drop-down menu in the banner!