Friday, September 19, 2014

From Melody's Desk: September 18

What a great day for Day of Caring yesterday!! Thanks so much to everyone who participated… this is one of my favorite activities at U.Va. Not only does it exemplify the public service spirit of being a part of U.Va., but I always gain so much from the day. Aside from tired muscles and perhaps a sunburn, I enjoy stepping away from my desk to spend time with my colleagues working to solve a different sort of problem, while having fun and getting to know them better. Not to mention how refreshed I return to work after taking a mental break from meetings, emails, and the daily norm. I hope that those of you who participated also feel these intangible benefits.

I had a great time visiting those of you who spent the day at the SPCA – trimming bushes, spreading mulch, and pruning briars from the dog walking paths – and at Scottsville Elementary School – sanding and refinishing picnic tables and painting “traffic lanes” for the children rushing from the school building to the playground. 

I hope that at future Day of Caring events, we can continue to increase the number of participants to expand the impact to our community and to ourselves.  Enjoy these pictures from the day…
