Friday, September 19, 2014

Goal Setting

Last fall, Bryan Garey from UHR led the Finance supervisors in a series of exercises to develop a set of consistent division-wide definitions related to the performance evaluation process. I believe this was helpful for all of us to consider how to be more consistent throughout the organization in our conversations and evaluations around performance. One take-away I heard from that process is that employees – whether developing their own goals or reviewing, in the role of supervisor, the goals of the employees – would appreciate a training session on how to develop good, strong, and measurable goals. I know that I often struggle balancing project-based SMART goals and with goals and expectations related to normal work responsibilities.

I have asked Christina Landes and Lindsey Reese, of UHR’s Center for Leadership Excellence, to develop custom Goals Setting sessions for Finance employees that will be held over the next two months. Through these small sessions, each of us should walk away with a better understanding of how to develop an effective goal, how goals and competencies work individually and together, and with at least one goal drafted for the 2015 performance management cycle. Christina and Lindsey will also tailor a session specifically for supervisors so we can better understand how to work with an employee through the stages of drafting, developing, and finalizing effective goals in a manner that will help employees develop and progress. 

You should have received an Outlook calendar invitation from Stacey Rittenhouse to one of these goal-setting sessions. If you have not, please let me or your supervisor know.  I hope that you find these sessions beneficial.  As a reminder to all, I have reproduced our Finance area performance rating definitions below.
