Thursday, October 23, 2014

Let's Fix It: Kill the Weekly Meeting

Here's an interesting idea:  Kill the Weekly Meeting.  The author of the article reports that "Employees responded that only 54 percent of the time spent in meetings was time well spent."  Have you ever felt this way?  There are some great ideas to consider here.  I’d also add…

·        Make a Lync connection or conference call a standard option for every meeting?  Our dispersed community also results in wasted time of driving and parking (as well the cost of gas, garage fees, and potential parking tickets). 

·        Replace a regular weekly meeting with a shorter, daily, stand-up meeting:

·        Sign up for:
Leading Meetings that People Want to Attend
Date & Time: Tuesday, December 2, 9:00am – 12:00pm
Location: 2400 Old Ivy Road, Room 189
Facilitator: Suzanne Bombard
Description: Do you lead effective meetings and utilize your allotted time wisely? Does everyone stay on topic and are all agenda items discussed? If you’re not so sure, then join us for the workshop “Leading Effective Meetings” where we’ll focus on developing the skills needed to lead effective and productive meetings and learn how to achieve appropriate outcomes in meetings by analyzing both behaviors and process. In the context of building group cohesiveness, we will also explore how groups develop, how individuals can both strengthen and weaken a group, and how keeping the group on track and guiding their progress outside the meeting will optimize the time during the meeting.