Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Join the Walking Group at Carruthers

Hoo’s Well offers a great 15 minute fit break through UVA WorkMed’s “Steps@” program and they're trying to help put together a UHR group to walk on Tuesday/Thursdays from 2:15 -2:30pm around Carruthers.

Take 15 minutes for YOU – get moving, clear your head, get steps for the Wahoo Fitness Challenge, take a break with a friend, keep a resolution….the list goes on and on. If you’d be interested, please let Erin Erickson know and she can help get you signed up to join the UHR team that will walk around Carruthers through Feb. 23.

Please help spread the word and share this with anyone you think would be interested. All are levels are welcome and this a FREE offering!

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