Friday, January 6, 2017

UVAFinance Must Lead the Way in UBI Adoption

Usage of UBI across UVA is growing at an impressive rate.  As more modules become available (10 at last count!), more people get trained on the system, and more of those users become active users of the system.  Between October and November of 2016, use of Discoverer finance reports decreased 14%.

Among UVAFinance employees, usage continues to grow.  

The Top Ten Users from UVAFinance (not counting MRP, of course!) are:

Anne Marie Cumiskey, Financial Planning & Analysis
Lisa Shuler, Student Financial Services
Rohan Patel, Financial Planning & Analysis
Ashley Rogers, Student Financial Services
Lynne Schwar, Comptroller
Judy Rowe, Financial Planning & Analysis
Josh Breeden, Comptroller
Lisa Layne, Comptroller
Yvonne Metheny, Comptroller
Urmila Bajaj, Sponsored Programs

Kudos to these folks for leading by example!

For all of UVAFinance, the transition from Discoverer to UBI needs to be a priority.  If Finance hesitates to adopt UBI, it will be hard for us to convince others to do so. 

A workgroup is being formed whose purpose it will be to encourage early adoption of UBI and decrease use of Discoverer within UVAFinance.  If you have ideas (Contests?  Prizes? Fun suggestions are welcome!) and/or would like to be a part of this group, contact Kelly Hochstetler.

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