Thursday, March 9, 2017

Save the Date: UVA Forward 2017 Planned for May 25!

UVA Forward, a professional development conference, is back again this year!  Mark your calendar for May 25, 2017, once again at Darden Business School.

Building on the success of last year's conference, the UVA Forward planning committee is working hard to bring you engaging sessions and meaningful conversations facilitated by University leaders and faculty.

Put a hold on May 25 - you won't want to miss UVA Forward!
This year's theme is Building a Better University Experience.  Speakers will engage you in thinking about ideas that are shaping the employee experience, the student/faculty experience, and the patient experience at UVA.  Attendees representing schools, central administrative units, University Physicians Group and the Medical Center will have an opportunity to network with colleagues and learn concepts and strategies that can help their work contribute to building a better University experience.

Stay tuned for more information about speakers and registration -- the UVAFinance blog and will be updated frequently!

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