Thursday, March 23, 2017

Stay in the loop with UFirst – exciting things are coming!

Every day at UVA finds many of us dealing with change in some form or another.  There’s always change on hand or change on the horizon, and it can be hard to keep track of how these changes will affect you and your team. 

UFirst, the future-state model of HR services at UVA, will be one of the most sweeping changes UVA has experienced.   UFirst is focused on consistent, exceptional service to all customers, and will require many organizational changes in the delivery of that service.  In plain language, a change this big, with this many steps, might be a lot for many of us to keep up with!

Fortunately, there are many ways you can stay in touch with the latest news on the UFirst project:

  • Subscribe to the UFirst newsletter
  • Visit the UFirst website. It’s chock-full of information and is frequently updated.
  • Get to know your area UFirst representatives (in Finance, that’s UVAFinance HR Consultant Ashley Feero, Voice of the Customer Lynne Schwar, and Change Champion Brandi Van Ormer). These individuals are happy to answer your questions and direct you to more information!
  • Watch the UVAFinance Blog for UFirst news (all UFirst-related posts will be tagged with their own category and can be easily accessible via the menu bar on the right hand side of the blog).

And here’s some HR-related news you can use:  Mark May 9 on your calendar – that’s the date of the HR Information Fair.  You’ll be able to hear more about the talent selection process, what the implementation of Workday will mean for you, plus more information on HR services, position descriptions, and the organizational structure.

More details will follow on this event!

Do you have questions about UFirst?  Leave them in a comment below, use the anonymous online suggestion box, or contact the representatives listed above (we’re happy to help!).

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