Wednesday, December 13, 2017

From "a mess" to managed: ASG Team wins award for Carruthers cleanup

Connie Alexander, Stacey Rittenhouse,
and Patrick Wood of ASG, receive
recognition from Caroline Walters
 of Records Management.
This summer, the Administrative Services Group within UVAFinance partnered with UVA Records Management to address the Carruthers Hall basement storage area. Long-neglected, the area was a mess of boxed records, old filing cabinets, and a hodge-podge of junk. All in all, the cleanup effort saw 931.25 cubic feet of material  destroyed and 1309 cubic feet sent to storage.

This fall, the seven weeks of hard work the team put in was recognized at the 2017 ISPRO Conference whey they were awarded the Records Management Award. Records Management staff lauded the team for having a strong “plan of attack” for the project, having high-level support and communication, and great attitudes and cooperation during the massive effort.

Read more about the cleanup effort here.

Congratulations, ASG!

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