Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Holiday Staffing in UVAFinance

This year's holiday break at UVA runs from 12/25/2017 - 1/1/2017.  During that time, Carruthers Hall will be closed.

See below for UVAFinance staffing during break:

Student Financial Services:  A greeting on the main phone line will direct callers to leave a message if their need is urgent.  The mailbox will be monitored periodically during break and staff will respond accordingly.  Emails received will be sent an auto-reply directing the sender to call the main phone line for information on how to leave a message for a faster response. 

Finance Outreach and Compliance: Listserv will be monitored for emergency issues.

Office of Export Controls:  Listserv will be monitored for emergency issues.

This post will be updated as further departmental details become available. 

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