Monday, December 10, 2018

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Get ready for Workday with these handy checklists!

The Ufirst Team is doing their best to make sure we're all ready for Workday Go-live on January 7, 2019.

Don't wait -- review the handy checklists they've compiled here:

Don't forget as Go-live nears, we'll be updating the UVAFinance Payroll website with helpful information about the payroll process:

How will your payslip look different in Workday?  All the details on the Ufirst blog:

2018 Legislative Forum December 20

click on the image for a larger view

Update from the Green Team

Thanks to everyone who continues to drop their used    K-cups in the Grounds to Grow on bin! 

The Carruthers Hall Green Team is proud to report that we have recycled/composted over 110 pounds of K-cups this past month. 

You're helping to make Carruthers Hall a greener place!

New from your Wellness Champs

Check out the Hoo'sWell Corner at the front entrance in Carruthers (in the cafe area). The Wellness Team will keep it updated so you can consult it for the latest Hoo’sWell and general wellness info.

New on Finance Matters: Change Fatigue

Change is necessary if we want to grow and improve, but what do you do when those changes are coming too fast and too many at once? On this episode of Finance Matters, Patty and Brandi talk with Mary Brackett, Senior Associate with Organizational Excellence at the University of Virginia about the topic of change fatigue.  Listen in for tips on how to deal with the burnout that can come from lots of change and some insight on how organizations can make change easier for everyone involved. 

Resources Mentioned: 

Prosci (lots of great change management content):

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Don't forget the Shout Out Board!

Take a break and show your coworkers some appreciation!

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Thanks for your help: EAN drive benefits women and families in crisis

Carruthers Hall was one of the 15 collection sites spread out across UVA academic and health system locations for the Exceptional Assistants' Network (EAN) fall donation drive benefitting Shelter of Help in Emergency (SHE).  
Thank you to everyone for your

A high level of giving at all collection sites allowed EAN to fill an entire Facilities van and an additional car with donations of household items for SHE.  Givers across UVA also contributed $1,500 in gift cards to grocery stores and pharmacies as a part of the drive. 

UVAFinance's own Mara Hilliar and Stacey Rittenhouse led collection efforts here at Carruthers.  
Thank you to all who gave, and thank you to EAN for kicking off the season of giving in such a wonderful way!


Monday, November 19, 2018

From Melody's Desk

November 19, 2018

Dear team,

As we take a break to spend time with our friends and families for Thanksgiving, I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all that you do. Every day your efforts are appreciated by your managers, your colleagues, faculty and staff in the schools and units, students and families, patients, donors, and visitors to the University. I have been struck this year by the notes of appreciation that have been shared with me from others outside UVAFinance, as well as the full board of “shout outs” that each of you share with your UVAFinance co-workers each month. I see statements like “I am extremely thankful”, “you are a life-saver”, “I will forever be in gratitude”, “I can’t imagine having to do my work without her”, “a most valuable member of the UVA team”, “your team has been beyond helpful”, and so on.

I know that there have been many challenges this year as you have worked long hours to meet deadlines and answer requests, learn and master new tasks and systems, adjust to unexpected complications, and spend much of your time problem-solving. It can be easy to get caught up in the day to day trials, but I encourage you to take a few minutes today to step back and look at the big picture to reflect on the positive impacts that you have had on UVA and our community. You have touched and improved the daily lives of so many and for that, I am most thankful.

Thanksgiving is also a great time for you to take an opportunity to pledge to the 2018 Combined Virginia Campaign (CVC)! In 2017 we had 34 UVAFinance team members contribute nearly $17,500. So far in 2018, we have had 10 team members contributing $3,400. I know that we can do better than this, so I encourage you all to take time to make your pledge to help the more than 1,000 charities that serve persons in need throughout Charlottesville, Virginia, the US, and the world. Remember, it is not how much you give but that you give that makes a difference! You can pick up a red envelope from Stacey or utilize the online form through the CVC website.

I hope you all have a restful and safe Thanksgiving!

PS – You can find great shopping sales and benefit the CVC at the annual Cavalier Computers and Bookstore holiday sale from November 26 through December 1. If you make a $10 CVC contribution at the register, you will get a $15 UVA Bookstore gift card!

Opening Doors of Opportunity for UVA students

UVA is making a promise that Virginia families who earn less than $80,000 a year and have typical assets will be able to send their child to UVA tuition-free.  For Virginia families earning less than $30,000 a year with typical assets, we will cover their child's room and board in addition to their tuition.

This is the first step in a larger and longer project by President Ryan and the Board of Visitors to look at current financial aid packages for both Virginia and out-of-state students.

In his inauguration speech, President Ryan said, “I see a community that opens wide the door to opportunity for first-generation, low- and middle-income students."

“There is more work to be done in this space, there will be more work done in this space, but we might as well get started.”

Steve Kimata, Assistant Vice President for Student Financial Services, says that current UVA financial aid essentially meets the commitment laid out by Ryan, but that it's important to make an explicit promise to our low-and-middle-income families.

"Opening doors of opportunity is one of our highest callings as a public university," said Kimata.

Current programs will stay in place.  The promise will be focused on members of the fall 2019 incoming class, but applies to all current undergraduate students as well for aid that will be awarded for the fall of 2019 going forward.  Current undergraduate students will apply for financial aid as normal and be evaluated for eligibility for this promise even if the student has not received financial aid in the past.

The University currently meets 100 percent of demonstrated financial need of all undergraduate students and offers admission to students with no consideration of their family financial situation.

Consistent with AccessUVA, the total grants awarded to students will be funded from a variety of sources:  federal, state, endowment, and tuition.  We will meet these new commitments with all grants.  Loans (capped at $1,000 for low-income students and $4,500 for others with demonstrated need) and work-study will continue to be offered to meet other costs of attendance.

$19 Million in Savings: The Power of Strategic Sourcing

Our colleague Ryan Balber, located in Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services, recently presented to the Leadership Advisory Council of the Virginia Higher Education Procurement Consortium (VHEPC) the results of the strategic sourcing efforts he has championed as Director of VHEPC for the past three fiscal years.
Ryan Balber

Balber is located here at UVA, and his position is funded by all VHEPC member entities.  In his role, he has developed a strategic and cooperative procurement program leveraging the purchasing power of VHEPC's 15 member organizations.  In the three years since VHEPC was formed and Balber took the lead, he has worked hard to negotiate better contracts for member entities with their suppliers.

The results of these efforts are impressive:  $19 million in savings and incentives enjoyed by UVA, The College of William & Mary, James Madison University, and more.  UVA's portion of the savings totaled over $6.5 million.

Sam Jones, Senior Vice President for Finance at the College of William and Mary, noted that the results of VHEPC's efforts speak for themselves, and UVA's John McHugh, Interim Director of PSDS, agrees.

"This is strategic sourcing in a nutshell," he said.

Well done, Ryan!

Read more about VHEPC on their website. 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Workday goes live January 7, 2019. Are you ready?

Go here for training:

Go here for other workday information:

Be sure and check out the info below on how to get training, prepare for changes to current systems, learn about security and access in Workday and how leave balances will be displayed differently:

Message from the CHRO: Training and System Cutover:

Changes are coming, but when?:

Workday Security Roles – What you need to know:

Spotlight on Leave Balances:


Workday Training – Take it now
Workday training is available at Please take the Workday Essentials eLearning course so you know how to use Workday. If you manage people, please also complete the Manager Essentials course. You may choose to take the eLearning module or register for an instructor-led session.

System Cutover

A critical step during the launch is to load data from our current systems into Workday. This is planned for November 30. Therefore, any transactions other than time and absence entry, between November 30, 2018 and January 7, 2019 should be kept to a minimum. Below is an overview of the cutover timeline. For detailed information, please visit:

Personal Information
Any changes you want or need to make to your HR record including, name, address, emergency contacts, tax forms or banking information should be completed by November 30.
After November 30 we ask that you only make changes that are time sensitive and must be made to support a smooth transition before January 7.

Required benefits changes can be made during this time by contacting the HR Solution Center, or 434-243-3344. 

Pay calendars will not change as a result of Workday.
Payslips will be viewable in Workday for the first time on the following dates:
January 4, 2019 – Medical Center and UPG Bi-weekly Payday
January 11, 2019 – Academic Division Bi-weekly Payday
February 1, 2019 – Academic and UPG Monthly Payday
W2’s for 2018 will be accessed through your current HR system, not Workday 

Performance Management
Performance evaluation activity in current systems completed by October 31, 2018 will migrate to Workday. View only access will be available after November 1.

Hiring managers should work directly with their Recruiter to determine the details of how existing open positions will be addressed.

Important cutover dates for transition from Oracle Learning Management to Workday

From December 15, 2018, through January 7, 2019, required online training for access to the Integrated System will not be available. 

The following are important dates to note as we transition from Oracle Learning Management to Workday for access to online training and to enroll in instructor-led classes:
  • Oracle Learning Management (Employee Self-Service > Learning) will be unavailable beginning Saturday, December 15, 2018. This means you will not be able to complete or have access to online training, and you will not be able to enroll in courses.
  • The new learning management system in Workday will be available beginning Monday, January 7, 2019. All courses completed within the last 7 years will be listed in your Learning application; incomplete courses will not be listed.
  • If you have an open ESHARP request, or need to complete any other online training, please complete it by December 15, 2018.
  • If you need to enroll in Finance Fundamentals scheduled for January 8 or January 22, please do so by December 15, 2018. If you miss this date, please email with the name of the enrollee. No other instructor-led classes are open for enrollment at this time, but will be in Workday after January 7, 2019.

Please plan accordingly – training for access to the Integrated System will not be available. 

Please contact if you have questions.

Let's get organized: Finance Matters

Even if you're not a New Year's Resolution kind of person, the end of the year is a time that we often have a little more interest in tidying up and getting organized

If you're thinking of how you can be more organized and productive going forward, check out the latest edition of Finance Matters!  Patty and Brandi talk about some great ways to clear out the literal and metaphorical clutter in your life.

                                                        Listen to the episode by clicking here!

We want to hear from you

Got a tip on how to be more organized or make your workspace or processes leaner? Have you found the perfect method to keep yourself on track and on task?  Please share and we'll include your suggestions into a "Part Two" episode!

You can email your suggestions to Patty or Brandi, or just comment below.

Financial Reporting & Operations welcomes Kimberly Smith

From L to R:  Grace, Virginia, A.J., Kimberly,
Jackson, and Ella Smith
Financial Reporting & Operations is pleased to announce that Kimberly Smith has joined the Financial Reporting Team in the role of Senior Accountant.

Smith owned and operated her own accounting business, Smith & Smith LLC, for 16 years, and has accounting and tax experience across a variety of industries. She and her husband A.J. (a corporate accountant) decided to move their family of five back to Charlottesville a few years ago, where he took over the business and she pursued opportunities at her alma mater.

"It's really exciting to come back," Smith said, adding that it was evident from the get-go that UVAFinance seemed to have an appealing atmosphere.

"People are not only nice to one another; they genuinely seem to like their jobs. That speaks well to me enjoying my new role if everyone else enjoys theirs," she said.
The Smith family enjoys traveling together. 
Kim's husband A.J. is also a Hoo (a double Hoo!)

In between the full circle of her getting her B.A. from UVA and her recent return are many years of travel and adventure with her family. The Smiths lived abroad for ten years in England, in the town of Guildford in Surrey.

Besides travel, Smith and her family keep busy hiking, camping, and dashing between the three younger Smiths' soccer, rowing, and swim meets.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Halloween Edition of Finance Matters!

We blame the sugar high for this one. 

 Listen in for a short and lighthearted episode focusing on the professional and life lessons we can learn from Halloween candy. 

 It's a little silly and a little serious.

Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

UVAFinance Book Club

UVAFinance book club will discuss "The Power of Habit" on Tuesday,
January 8, from 12-1, in Carr 2.  Everyone is welcome!  Contact Patty
Marbury if you have questions or want to participate remotely.

NOTE:  The January 8 Book Club Meeting will be rescheduled.  Hold for more details!

Thanksgiving baskets for needy families

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and UVAFinance will once again be collecting food donations for the Community Feast Project. The Community Feast Project is an annual effort run by various churches and organizations in and around the Charlottesville area. Thanksgiving baskets are then distributed to needy families right here in our community.

Collection boxes will be placed around Carruthers Hall with a checklist of items needed. Additionally, monetary donations can be made to either Nicole Ferretti or Stacey Rittenhouse. 

All donations must be received no later than Wednesday, November 14th.
The following items are needed:

  • Can of Yams (17.5 oz.)
  • Can of Green Beans (14.5 oz.)
  • Bag of Potato (5 lb.)
  • Jar of Turkey Gravy (10.5 oz.)
  • Box of Macaroni (14.5 oz.)
  • Box of Stuffing (6 oz.)
  • Can of Evaporated Milk (12 oz.)
  • Can of Cranberry Sauce (14 oz.)
  • Cake Mix (15.25 oz.)
  • Can of Crushed Pineapple (16 oz.)
  • Box Granulated Sugar (2-4 lb.)
  • Box of Brown Sugar (1 lb.)
  • Monetary donations for the purchase of turkeys

Thank you!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

4th Annual Corn Hole Tournament and Fall Festival

Join us on Friday, November 16th from 12:00pm – 2:00pm, for the 4th annual Corn Hole Tournament and Fall Festival to benefit Virginia non-profits! This event will be located in the north lower lot of Carruthers Hall in the back corner.

Food will be provided to you at no cost but we do ask you to make a donation to a Virginia Non-Profit. Please bring cash or check and an idea of what non-profit you would like to donate to.

Sign up for the annual Corn Hole Tournament! Click here to enter.
Who will reign supreme this year? 
  • 15 per person or $30 per team. If you are able to bring a set of boards and bean bags, you will pay only $10 per person or $20 per team.
  • Winning team will choose the non-profit to donate to from a list provided.
  • The Winning team will also get to sign and keep the Stanley Cup of Corn Hole trophy for 1 year.
Corn Hole Champions:
  • 2017, Mike Beverage and Mike Hayton
  • 2016, Logan Hobbs and Brandon Kenty
  • 2015, Logan Hobbs and Brandon Kenty

Here are photos from 2017 and 2016.  It's a fun time!  Be sure to join us.

From Melody's Desk: October 24, 2018

October 24, 2018

Dear Colleagues,

The October 12 kick-off event for Finance Strategic Transformation (FST) left me feeling truly grateful for all the people who have agreed to be a part of our upcoming workshops or to serve a role on the FST Checkpoint Team, the Advisory Group, and the Steering Committee.

You can view a  video of the kickoff as well as the
presentation slides on our online community: 
We will not be able to make this a successful project without the thoughtful, collaborative, and active engagement of these team members. Now, as we embark on this journey together, is a good time to think about how we will interact with our stakeholders and how they will interact with us.

Our Pledge to the FST Stakeholders:
  • UVAFinance seeks to be the valued and trusted financial partner that the University community turns to first. FST is an important step in delivering this vision by working with you to develop critical skills, improve service, re-imagine business processes, and deploy technology.
  • We will communicate frequently, clearly, and directly through a variety of methods: FST meetings, Business Officer Council and Fiscal Administrator meetings, the online FST community, and the UVAFinance blog. Invite us to come into your team meeting and we will work out a time to join your team for a conversation about FST.
  • We will involve and support our stakeholders as we design for the future. We will seek your frequent engagement but will also be conscious of competing deadlines and major events in order to avoid direct conflicts. We will engage with the University Project Portfolio to determine where we can make schedule adjustments to ease demands on time and energy.
  • We will maintain strong governance and accountability to you and the senior leaders of the University.
  • We will challenge the status quo, seeking best practices from the UVA community, the Deloitte professionals, and through our professional associations and peer institutions.
  • We will assess the potential for consistent functionality and harmonized business practices.
  • We will apply enterprise thinking that assesses the needs of the University as a whole but will respect and recognize local requirements.
  • We will align with institutional data strategy standards and governance, to help ensure the data integrity, accessibility, and definition that are needed in a modern workplace.

Our Ask of FST Stakeholders:
  • We ask that committee members and workshop invitees commit to attending and actively engaging in order to make sure that we hear broadly from the UVA community. We ask that you be familiar with available resources in the FST online community and website so that you can re-direct your colleagues to resources. If you cannot answer a question asked locally in your school or unit, ask these questions on the community (someone else probably has the same question) or forward these questions to the FST team.
  • We ask that you help us know when we have asked too much, but balance this with the understanding that we are just as frequently asked why we can’t deliver new services and tools more quickly. There is a healthy tension between the desire to quickly improve service and technology and the concern that too much is happening.
  • We ask that you be vocal and frequent in expressing support and advocating for the project. If you feel you cannot support and advocate for the project, talk to us directly about this.
  • We ask that you have and that you encourage your colleagues to have patience in the process and to know that we are striving to support and enable the University to be the best it can be. We won’t have all the answers immediately, we may take detours, we may pause or reverse course. But we should keep you informed and you should hold us accountable for that.
  • We ask that you help us to eliminate rumors and squash back channel whispering. If there is an unanswered question or a concern, ask it directly. If we don’t have an answer, trust that we are working on a solution.
  • We ask for grace and understanding that we will not be perfect, we may forget a communication, we may not be consistent in an answer. Mistakes will be made, but they will not be intentional and we will learn from them.
  • We ask for compromise and collaboration. We will not be able to make everyone 100% happy, but we will listen… and if we make a decision that is completely counter to your request, there is a reason. Ask us what that reason is and understand that we have to meet the requirements of a diverse audience.

Again, I thank you for joining us on this journey! I look forward to working with each of you.

Mark Anderson and UBI recognized at Cornerstone Program Graduation

On September 27, the Fourth Cohort of the succession development Cornerstone Program graduated and presented their projects.

Representing UVAFinance in that Cohort was Mark Anderson, Business Intelligence Lead. During the past year, Anderson and the 29 other cohort participants have received customized leadership development, including a 360 assessment and coaching, and mentoring from senior leaders.

Anderson felt the program had many assets for him as a participant, but chief among them were the networking opportunities and the mentoring he received.

Read more after the jump!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Finance Strategic Transformation Kickoff

On Friday, October 12, UVAFinance and our stakeholders across Grounds officially kicked off Finance Strategic Transformation.  We're so excited to get started on this journey and so grateful for those who are partnering with us.

Our aim is to keep you in the know.  Please visit the online community for a wealth of FST and kickoff content.  Here's just a sampling of what you can find there:

  • A video of the kickoff presentation
  • Slides shared at the kickoff event (including timelines, project team members, and more)
  • Upcoming events 

Helpful hint about finding things in the community:  You can browse recent content by looking at the homepage or the Activity tab, or you can search by keywords (think:  FST Kickoff)

You can also see pictures from the event here (Flickr).

Remember, your questions, ideas, and comments are welcome any time.  You can share those in the community, via, or directly with Finance leadership. If you prefer an anonymous route, share your  thoughts via the suggestion box in Carruthers Hall coffee area or online at Free Suggestion Box

What are you reading? A sampling of some of UVAFinance's favorites

A while back, we asked you to share what you're reading/listening to that inspires your professional and/or personal growth. 

Here are some great picks from the first few folks who've responded.  We'd still love to hear what you recommend, so please send your suggestions (blogs, books, websites, podcasts, even TED talks!) to


Love Works: Seven Timeless Principles for Effective Leaders by Joel Manby

Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown

Fun is Good by Mike Veeck and Pete Williams

A Walk in the Wood (Mindfulness with a Bear Named Pooh) by Joseph and Nancy Parent

Slow: Simple Living for a Frantic World by Brooke McAlary

12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson 

Speed of Trust by Stephen M R Covey

The Power of a Positive No by William Ury

Start with Why by Simon Sinek

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

WEBSITES  (Association for Talent Development -- lots of great general content, too)


The Accidental Creative (much of the content is great for any kind of professional, and there are lots of resources on their site):

New on Finance Matters

We're diving into some interesting territory on Finance Matters with three new episodes.  Check them out!  You can always take us on the go via Google Play or the App Store.  We love keeping you company on your commute. 

The Strength of Being Vulnerable, with guest Sarah Doran.

Vulnerability is one of the most obvious demonstrations of courage, and definitely is a desirable trait for leaders.  LISTEN HERE.

What We Learn from Failure, with guest Lynne Schwar

Managed correctly, failure is the secret to success.  LISTEN HERE. 

Cross-Functional Teams, with guests Shannon Wampler and Josh Breeden

Stories of cross-functional collaboration, lessons learned, lots of laughter, and a couple of really cheesy jokes. LISTEN HERE.  

Monday, October 22, 2018

Donation Drive at Carruthers Hall

from Mara Hilliar and Stacey Rittenhouse

UVA’s Exceptional Assistants’ Network (EAN) Fall Community Service Initiative

Beginning October 22nd and continuing through November 14th, UVA’s EAN will be collecting donations for Charlottesville’s Shelter for Help in Emergency. 

The Shelter for Help in Emergency is committed to providing a safe, supportive, confidential and respective environment in which survivors of domestic violence can seek services.

Carruthers Hall is hosting a collection box which you will find in the coffee break area right next to the UVA Finance Corner bookshelf. The Shelter’s Wish List includes:

  • Toilet Paper
  • Paper Towels
  • Tissues
  • Laundry Detergent Pods (HE only)
  • Dish Detergent
  • 13 Gallon Garbage Bags
  • Bath Towels
  • Kitchen Towels
  • Grocery Gift Cards
  • Pharmacy Gift Cards
  • CAT Bus Tickets (available at C’ville City Hall)
  • Old and/or Broken Cell Phones

If you want to donate gift cards or give cash towards gift cards, please see either Mara Hilliar or Stacey Rittenhouse.

The 2018 Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign is underway!

The CVC is an annual workplace giving opportunity for state employees to donate to nearly 1,000 charities, many of which serve the local community.

CVC runs Oct. 1 thru Dec. 20 (online ends Dec. 20).

How to give: 
  • Give online here:
  • Return your pledge card in its red envelope to Stacey Rittenhouse in the VP Finance Suite.
You can donate by cash, check, payroll deduction, credit card or stock gifts. Salaried employees may choose to give through payroll deduction. Payroll deductions begin with the first paycheck in January 2019 and end with the last paycheck in December 2019. Salaried employees may also pledge with a one-time deduction in January.  Wage employees may pledge with cash, check, credit card or stock.

Last year, UVA employees contributed $1 million, and 9 out of the top ten charities benefited the Charlottesville area. $15 million  has been raised since 1997.

For more information please visit the CVC website at

PSDS Welcomes Patrick Wood

Patrick Wood, new to PSDS.  Wood
also serves on UVA's Staff Senate and
serves as Membership Director, Co-
chair, of the Staff Senate Executive
Procurement and Supplier Diversity Services is pleased to announce that Patrick Wood, formerly of the Office of Sponsored Programs, has joined their team as a Procurement Specialist. A University of Virginia employee since 2014, Wood has also worked in Printing and Copying Services and with the Administrative Services Group in UVAFinance.

In his new role, Wood will be a buyer for catering, athletics, and hotel services.

"I'm eager to learn everything it will take to perform my new role effectively," said Wood, noting that he has a great team supporting him as he gets acclimated.

Wood is no stranger to learning new things -- he successfully transitioned to administrative work at UVA from a 16-year career in Elementary education, and is also currently halfway through attaining his Project Management Professional certificate.

Feel free to stop by and welcome Wood officially back to the UVAFinance family soon. Just don't look for him on November 6, as he'll be out of the office performing his duties as an election official (for the tenth year!).

Friday, October 19, 2018

Celebrating UVAFinance at the Employee Appreciation Breakfast

Earlier this month, UVAFinance celebrated the achievements of our team at the Annual Employee Appreciation Breakfast.

View a recap of employee achievements on our Flickr page:

We also celebrated several awards:
  • The UVA Office of Sustainability recognized Carruthers Hall as a certified Green Workplace.
  • Kelly Hochstetler was lauded by UVA Compliance for her work on updating and revising finance policies. 
  • UVAFinance as a unit received an award from ITS for our dedicated work on information security.

Way to go, team!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Microsoft Teams: Kristin Floyd's User Story

Training sessions for Office365 Teams are available now!

Efficiency in Communications, Empowered to Share

by Kristin Floyd

I am currently using Microsoft Teams to administer, track and store all of the various projects the new Strategic Procurement Group is working on in Procurement and Supplier Diversity Services.

Kristin Floyd of PSDS
This tool assists in our communications with our managers as they are able to go into the tool and review our projects at any time. It also gives us one platform to record information on our progress so that if any of our projects are interconnected, we can review their status without having to track each other down for a status update.

In addition, we are able to have a dedicated conversation board that tracks important ideas, notes, or discussions that we want to be able to search for and retrieve easily at a later date.
How many times have you thought – “but we discussed that at X-meeting already” but don’t have notes to prove it? Teams gives you a searchable Notebook to keep all your meeting notes.
Plus when we are doing research on the current manufacturing markets or reviewing strategy that other Universities used for a specific procurement we can store all that information in Teams as a Wiki or OneNote so that others in the team can see that information and share their research too.

Ultimately, Teams has made us more efficient in our sharing of information and our collaborations. It helps to empower me and those around me with information.

Check out an Office 365 training session soon!

Read more about training in this post.

Using Office 365

Office 365 is being used by more and more people across Grounds. Be proactive and learn how to use these tools for collaboration and productivity. This class will go over the basic navigation and some of the applications of Office 365. You will also see and hear how other UVAFinance professionals are already using Office 365 in their work.

The following sessions will be offered in Carr-1 &2 (register by logging into the Integrated System and then clicking the link for the session you want to attend).

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Updates from the Carruthers Hall Green Team

Composting Available

The Carruthers Hall Green Team (CHGT) has placed compost bins in several shared spaces around finance in addition to the bin in the upstairs break area.

The additional locations are as follows:
  • Downstairs by the sink/break area
  • One within SFS
  • One back in PSDS break area
  • One by the upstairs sink area
Please only put compostable materials in the bins such as food, paper products, wooden stir sticks, tea bags and more as listed on the bin itself.

If you are unsure your compostable k-cup is 100% compostable please put it in our K-Cup Recycle Bins!

Carruthers Hall is now Green Workplace Certified!  

Thanks to the Green Team's efforts and partnership with the UVA Office off Sustainability, we are now champions of sustainable practices. 

Thank you to everyone who helped!

Changes on the Green Team

Thank you to Mariah Kier for all she has done as Greet Team Lead.  We will miss you, Mariah!

Welcome to Heather Landes of Audit, who will serve as the new Team Lead.  We also welcome Judy DiVita as our new Leadership Sponsor.  Other new members include Jennifer Meyer and Linda Ferguson of ITS, John Rodgers of OSP, and Devin Foster of FP&A.

Have any ideas for the Green Team?  Please share below!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Announcing a new course: Lean in Daily Work

Would you like to learn practical ways to implement Lean strategies into your daily routine? Lean in Daily Work will provide you with practical, easy-to-implement strategies to make your current processes more efficient, leaving you with more time to innovate and create. Through hands-on activities and sharing practical examples, you will gain skills to help you:

• Use the 5S strategy for organization to help with identifying and eliminating waste and continuously improving processes;
• Document how you do your work using the Standard Work approach;
• Manage work through tools such as a Kanban Board; and
• Implement time saving ideas to improve efficiency and increase productivity.

Completion of Lean Fluency is a prerequisite for this class. Two classes are currently scheduled: Wednesday, October 24, 3:00-4:30, and Monday, December 17, 10:30–12:00.

Log into Employee Self-Service and then click on this course link to enroll: Lean in Daily Work

Both Lean in Daily Work and Lean Fluency will be part of a UVAFinance Lean Certification which will be offered beginning in early 2019. In addition to these two classes, the certification will include another course, Advanced Lean, and Lean Labs, which will be focused on one specific Lean concept, approach, or tool. Completion of the certification will require successful completion of all three courses and at least 3 of the labs.

Get a head start by participating in Lean Fluency and Lean in Daily Work now!

Monday, October 8, 2018

The UVA Marketplace Registration Portal is now live!

The UVA Marketplace Registration Portal enables Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services (PSDS) to better manage the University's registration processes. More importantly, by improving our operations, we're reducing the time it takes to get a new supplier or non-supplier into the Marketplace. 

Here's what you can do:
  • Invite new suppliers to register with the University for Purchase Orders/payments
  • Register or invite new non-suppliers (research participants, honoraria recipients, individuals)
  • Request updates or add new sites for existing suppliers and non-suppliers

The UVA Marketplace Registration Portal is easy to use. We've put together a page full of information, training, and frequently asked questions to get you started:

Are you ready for Workday?

In three months, the advent of Workday will change the way we handle HR and Payroll tasks at UVA.

Workday has been on its way to us for quite a while now, and when change seems distant, it's easy for us to ignore its impending arrival. . . but go live is now on the horizon, and the Ufirst team has you covered with helpful information on their website and blog.

Information on the rollout, training, fun videos and key dates can all be found on the Ufirst site here:

New on Finance Matters for your listening pleasure

A plethora of new episodes of Finance Matters is available via the links below or on iTunes.  

                  Part One
                  Part Two


Teaser alert:  we've got a ton of new content scheduled for the upcoming weeks.  Watch for the following: 
  • What we learn from making with mistakes, featuring Lynne Schwar 
  • Cross-functional Teams, with guests Shannon Wampler and Joshua Breeden
  • Vulnerability as a Manager, featuring Sarah Doran

Got a great idea for a podcast?  Email Patty or Brandi!

Payroll Employees + Hours of testing = Correct pay when Workday goes live!

Click the image for a larger view

UVAFinance is working hard to make sure everyone gets paid correctly when Workday goes live.  This infographic breaks down the time and effort that goes into moving from three separate payroll systems to one in Workday.  

Lunch & Learn: Finance Online Community

The Finance Online Community is live and ready for your questions, ideas, and thoughts about Finance Strategic Transformation.  Have you logged in and checked it out?  If you'd like a little more information about how to use it, please come to our Lunch & Learn on October 24, from 12 - 1, in Carruthers Hall, Carr-1.  

Special Ticket Offer!

Virginia Football hosts ACC rival Pitt on Friday, Nov. 2 at Scott Stadium. Kickoff set for 7:30 p.m. Join us for University Night as we will honor the accomplishments and contributions of University faculty, staff, and students throughout the game!

UVA faculty and staff can save up to 58% on tickets for this game through the special link below. Go Hoos!


Sunday, October 7, 2018

Hoos Seen This?

Cool stuff around the University that you might've missed

In October 2018, UVA will host a pan-University Bicentennial Sustainability Leadership Summit to showcase the breadth of UVA’s interdisciplinary work in the multi-faceted realm of sustainability, and to collaboratively envision UVA’s longer-term role as a global sustainability leader. We invite you to join fellow alumni, students, faculty, and staff to commemorate our history and to share your voice in continuing and developing next steps for UVA’s leadership role in a sustainable future.  Check out the schedule and register here: 

Thursday, September 27, 2018

What are you waiting for? Visit the Community!

Have you visited the online Finance Community yet?  

Here's what you may have missed: 

Here's what you HAVEN'T missed:

Your opportunity to ask questions: Sure, we started off with an "Ask Me Anything" event, but you can and should ask questions about FST any time!  You can even post things you've heard others ask.  Visit the Questions section and ask away -- we're standing by to answer.

Your chance to submit ideas:  Our Ideas section is waiting for your thoughts on what processes might be candidates for improvement, whether it's in the eventual scope of FST or just a good continuous improvement project.  

Please Stand By: The Beauty of a Standup Meeting

Shorter meetings.
Easier coordination of efforts.
Understanding of shared goals.
Stronger team bonds.
Quicker fixes to problems and roadblocks.
Sharing of ideas.
Keeping everyone in the loop.
Fewer emails.

Don't all those things sound great, like things we definitely would want? (Especially that email one!?) What if I told you that in many cases, these things are achievable through the removal of chairs?

Okay, it may be a bit of an overstatement to say that just getting chairs out of your meetings will be the answer to all your woes, but Standup Meetings deployed correctly, can be a very effective way of making the most of your team's time, reducing confusion, and getting things done.

Standup Meetings reduce the lethargy that can come with having a comfy seat under you. The mood of a standup meeting is energetic, fast-thinking, and often fun. It's easier to connect with colleagues, and definitely easier to identify problems and make decisions. 

Read more after the jump!

FOC Welcomes Nasima Andesha

Finance Outreach and Compliance is pleased to announce that Nasima Andesha has joined their team. Many people will know Andesha from her time in Human Resources, where she worked for 16 years. Her background has encompassed a little bit of everything, from keying tax and direct deposit forms and approving UVA staff, faculty, and student salaries, to working with Discoverer for audit purposes.

In her new role as an Administrative Technician, she will primarily handle requests for responsibilities in eSharp so that requests move smoothly to the training team and supporting procurement by working with purchasing hierarchies. Andesha says she looks forward to learning more about eSharp in this new capacity.

When not at work, Andesha enjoys reading, gardening, movies, and spending time with her husband and their five-year-old twin girls.

From President James Ryan

Sharing your stories, getting your steps in. 

Did you miss these two announcements from President Jim Ryan? 

Check them out after the jump!