Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Feeling a little weighed down by process improvement? Try Lean Lite!

Are you interested in learning more about the Lean approach to process improvement? Perhaps you’ve thought about completing the Leading a Lean Transformation certificate program, but want to learn some fundamentals of Lean before you commit to completing the full program.

Many others in UVAFinance and across Grounds have become “Lean-certified” through this program and if you don’t understand the concepts or know the terminology, it may seem like they are speaking a different language. 

The training team in Finance Outreach and Compliance will offer a 3 hour blended (some online work followed by an instructor-led facilitated presentation, discussion and activities) on April 11 in the afternoon. The class will be held in Carruthers Hall, Carr-1 and Carr-2.  This pilot session will be open to UVAFinance, but subsequent sessions will be open to anyone on Grounds.  If you're very interested in checking out the April 11 pilot session, contact Patty Marbury.

The exact time, a course description, and enrollment information will be in the next blog digest. If this interests you, hold the date now and look for more details to come!

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