Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Office of Financial Planning & Analysis Welcomes Palvi Sharma

Palvi Sharma
Palvi Sharma joined the Office of Financial Planning & Analysis this January as a Senior Financial Analyst. In her role, Sharma works with schools and units doing cost analyses for the Facilities and Administrative (F&A) rate.

Sharma comes to UVA Finance from the UVA Health System, where she worked as a Financial Decision Support Analyst. Her work in that role was similar to her current job: she was focused on cost accounting, assessing fixed and variable costs even down to the patient level so that administrators could make appropriate budget decisions.

Although she wasn’t that interested in cost accounting during school, Sharma says she’s come to love it, citing her ability to help decision makers see where there is room for improvement, and where resources can better be allocated. 

“I like the more analytical piece of what I do – it’s a challenge every day, and there are really
practical implications to the work I do in cost analysis,” she said.

Sharma and her husband Ashish, an Assistant Professor of Research in the Department of Surgery, live in Charlottesville with their two sons, who keep them busy with basketball and soccer season.

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