Wednesday, May 22, 2019

From Melody's Desk

Dear Colleagues,

As we move into the relatively quiet period of summer without students in Charlottesville, I’m writing with a few updates that you will be interested to hear.

First, there is good news regarding Finance Strategic Transformation. Last week, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer J. J. Davis and Executive Vice President and Provost Liz Magill agreed to serve as executive co-sponsors of FST and have endorsed our proposal to move ahead with Phase 2: Readiness. J.J. and Liz's enthusiasm for the vision we're working toward is exciting to see! You can learn more on the Online Finance Community, but in brief, these are the activities that we are planning for Phase 2, which will continue through December 31, 2019:
  • Financial reporting and analytics strategy;
  • Chart of Accounts (CoA) redesign
  • Documentation of accounting practices and prototyping business processes;
  • Assessing Workday HCM remediation necessary to accommodate Workday Financials;
  • Refining the FST change management strategy
  • Refining the data and IT landscape strategies
  • Exploring the post-implementation support model
At the upcoming Board of Visitors meeting, we’ll share an update on Phase 1: Assessment & Planning and the plans for Phase 2. The project team will continue working through the summer to seek authorization to move forward with Phase 3: Implementation in January 2020. In the meantime, the FST project team will begin mobilizing and adding team members for Readiness, so you will hear more about this shortly

Next, I want to provide an update on several ongoing organizational changes in UVAFinance.

As you know, in January 2019, the position of Associate Vice President for Financial Operations (AVPFO) was posted. This position is soon to be re-launched with the revised title of Associate Vice President for Finance and Controller; the external executive search firm of Isaacson Miller (which assisted in the UVA presidential and EVP/COO searches) has been engaged to assist with this search. We will be adjusting the position description slightly to seek candidates with prior experience as a controller and in working closely with financial system implementation projects. I hope to have someone on-site in this role by early fall. I am very pleased that Judy DiVita has agreed to continue as Interim Associate Vice President for Financial Operations until the leader is on board.

I am also deeply appreciative that John McHugh continues to serve as the Interim Director of Procurement. The national search for this role will also be managed by Isaacson Miller as the executive search firm. We expect to commence this search as soon as the AVPFO winds down, with the hope of making that hiring decision shortly after the AVPFO is on-board.

As many of you are aware, in February 2019, when Jim Matteo left the University of Virginia, the functions of treasury, property and liability risk management, enterprise risk management, and university-affiliated organization (UAOs, formerly foundations) relations were moved to UVAFinance. I have really enjoyed getting to know these teams and seeing how we are all going to benefit from a closer working relationship. You may remember that I took the following actions at that time:

  • Rick Schupp, the former Director of Risk Management retired in April and we launched the Director of Risk Management search toward the end of March. We hope to have a new Director of Risk Management in place by late summer.
  • Julie Richardson was named Interim Managing Director of Treasury and Risk Management. In this role, Julie reports directly to me and leads the treasury and property and liability risk management activities.
  • Phil Porter continues to lead the functions of enterprise risk management and UAO relations. Phil reports directly to me at this time and will eventually report to the AVPFS (described below) when hired.
  • The position of Treasurer was re-structured into the Associate Vice President for Financial Strategy (AVPFS). This position is currently open and the first round of interviews are expected to occur in the next couple of weeks. I am hoping to have someone on-site in this role by the end of summer. The AVPFS will have three primary responsibilities:
    • Primary oversight of a multi‐year master financial framework incorporating all financial plans and activities and highly focused on reporting and analytics.
    • Implement and lead an organization to provide financial advice and support through high‐level service and solutions (including training, communications, and outreach) for schools, business units, and University associated organizations.
    • Oversee and ensure the overall effectiveness of the entire UVAFinance administration.

UVAFinance was also approved to add four new key positions with the 2019-20 budget. Three positions in financial aid will allow us to better serve our students, deliver financial aid awards more quickly, enhance financial aid, and add an early decision cycle to our early action and regular decision admissions cycles. One position has been added to tax and operational contracts as we continue to see more and more academic and international activities that require special handling and review.

I also want to extend my deep appreciation to Dave Boling, who is planning to retire in the next several weeks. Dave has been a dedicated and talented leader in UVAFinance and at UVA in general and will be sorely missed. We wish him all the very best in their retirement!

Finally, I am happy to report that UVAFinance Classified and University Staff employees hired prior to December 31, 2018 are eligible for an upcoming merit increase. The Classified employee merit increases go into effective on June 10, 2019 while the University staff increases are effective July 8, 2019. For more information on the merit increases please visit

Thanks again for all your continued hard work! I hope that you each are planning some time away this summer with your family and friends.


Updates in the Community

Batten joins the Adaptive Insights Pilot.  See what's next for this project within Finance Strategic Transformation.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Do you speak Data?

"Data fluency."  It's not just a piece of jargon or a buzzword.  

It could be the biggest thing keeping you and your stakeholders from making sense of the data you share in a way that allows you to move forward collaboratively, solve problems, and fulfill your mission. 

 Check out the launch of a new series on Data Fluency in the Community Hub. 

For more help on learning the lingo of data, don't miss "What is Data Governance?"

Procurement Welcomes Ashley Matherne

Ashley Matherne has joined the Accounts Payable team in Procurement and Supplier Diversity Servies in the role of Accounts Payable Specialist.

Originally from Florida, Matherne received a degree in finance from Kennesaw State in 2015.  Before that, she attended East Georgia State College, where she played softball.  Her professional experience includes accounts receivable work at a security monitoring company.

Her new role in accounts payable agrees with Matherne.  

"Accounts payable is a better fit for me," she says, adding that she enjoys the inclusive and prestigious atmosphere she's found at UVA.

Matherne and her family moved to Charlottesville when her fiance Anthony Davis joined the UVA Athletics staff.  They and their three-year-old son Tre' are enjoying Virginia and its natural beauty very much so far.   The family enjoys sightseeing together and playing video games.

Hess brings Hyper-Learning to UVA Forward 2019

Ed Hess

The Digital Age will transform how we live and how we work. The pace and magnitude of the changes that are coming will require Humans to continuously learn, unlearn and relearn at the pace of technological change. That learning will have to be fast and high quality. That is Hyper-Learning.

Achieving Hyper-Learning will require many organizations and many people to adopt a New Way of Working – new mindsets, behaviors, and processes. This talk with Darden Professor, Ed Hess, will explore that New Way of Working and the types of teams that will be necessary to optimize Hyper-Learning.

- Session Description for "Hyper-Learning: Human Excellence in the Digital Age," scheduled for UVA Forward this June

Have you registered for UVA Forward 2019?  Registration is open now! 

 If you're interested in staying relevant in your career and meeting the needs of your stakeholders, consider Ed Hess's breakout session, "Hyper-Learning:  Human Excellence in the Digital Age" offered at UVA Forward this June.

Hess is Professor of Business Administration, Batten Faculty Fellow and Batten Executive-in-Residence at the Darden School of Business.  He's the author of 12 books, over 130 articles, and over 60 Darden cases dealing with growth, innovation and learning cultures, systems and processes.  The common theme of his work is high individual and organizational performance.  

"We are on the leading edge of a technology tsunami - the convergence of Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, Big Data, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Nanotechnology, etc. -- that will transform how we live and work," says Hess.

And that, he says, requires the fast, high-quality learning he calls Hyper-Learning.

Hess's concept of hyper-learning is fascinating and has galvanized groups ranging from students and executives to the United States Navy and government entities.

Although those of us in academia are used to a certain amount of "transformation" and change, Hess's concepts are more comprehensive and come from a more human angle.   A Hyper-Learning organization, he says, involves a major transformation at the very foundation of the existing system, including changes that address cultural, structural, managerial, and leadership models, as well as changes to processes in order to enable the uniquely human capabilities that can't be matched by technology. 

"A new type of organization will be needed in many cases -- a community of people that is more humanistic, people-centric, and designed to enable the highest levels of human emotional, cognitive and behavioral performance."

Check out Hess's session and the entire UVA Forward 2019 schedule here:
For more on Ed Hess and his work, see the following: 

VHEPC welcomes Chris Gerner

VHEPC's Chris Gerner and a new friend he made while hiking.  
The Virginia Higher Education Procurement Consortium and Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services are pleased to welcome Chris Gerner to the role of Senior Data Analyst.

Gerner, who has been on board since the end of April, is located at UVA and works with VHEPC colleague Ryan Balber to negotiate better purchasing contracts for VHEPC's 15 member entities.

A Hoo with a bachelor's in Mathematics/Economics, Gerner also has a master's in data analytics engineering from George Mason University.  Gerner comes to Charlottesville most recently from George Mason University, where he was a procurement data analyst for over six years.  His experience also includes data analysis roles with GEICO and Inova.

"As the Director of VHEPC, Ryan is all about data and data-driven strategy, so this position was a great opportunity for me," says Gerner.

"I feel really grateful to be here learning the programs, delving into things and helping our member schools and the taxpayers."

Gerner has been surprised at how much UVA has changed since he graduated in 2005.

"It's been interesting," he says.  "The last time I was here, I was broke with no car, and now I'm a 'real adult,'" he laughs.

His former dorm may have been replaced by a new one, but he still finds Charlottesville a great place to be, especially as he is an avid hiker.

To read more about VHEPC and its benefit to UVA and other member institutions, check out this blog article, or read about VHEPC on their website

UVA Forward Registration is OPEN!

Registration for UVA Forward 2019 is now open!

UVA Forward will be held on Wednesday, June 19th, at the Darden Business School. We hope that you will find many of the sessions to be timely and relevant to your personal or professional development and that you connect with this year’s theme, “Cultivating Community.” To read more about the sessions and the speakers and to register, please visit the UVA Forward website at

Cultivating Community

Our theme this year centers around community and our role within it.  We are excited to host organizations from outside of UVA to participate in the “poster gallery” for the first time. They will share information about their services and volunteer opportunities.

The following local nonprofits and agency plan to join us this year:

We're also pleased to have these UVA guests:

Donation Drive

We will also be hosting a donation drive to benefit the Shelter for Help in Emergency who assist victims of domestic violence through their shelter and outreach services. We will be collecting the following items from their wish list at the conference. Participation in the drive is optional but greatly appreciated.
  • Toilet Paper
  • Paper Towels
  • Tissues
  • Laundry Detergent Pods (HE only)
  • Dish Detergent
  • 13 Gallon Garbage Bags
  • Bath Towels
  • Kitchen Towels
  • Grocery Gift Cards (Kroger especially appreciated/preferred)
  • Pharmacy Gift Cards (Kroger especially appreciated/preferred)
  • CAT Bus Tickets (available at C’ville City Hall)
  • Old and/or Broken Cell Phones

Monday, May 20, 2019

Interested in saving your department or unit money? Need a new printer?

Contact Procurement for a Customer Journey Mapping visit!  

A member of the procurement team will visit with your team, review your current purchasing processes and help you find potential cost savings related to the goods and services you purchase. . . because you have better things to spend your money on!

Bonus:  Customer Journey Mapping consultations earn your team a FREE printer, courtesy of the HP "Big Deal" program!

Contact Kristin Floyd for more information.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Carruthers Hall Green Team Update

"Working Green" in Carruthers Hall

Carruthers Hall was the first workplace to jump on board the UVA Office of Sustainability's newly updated Green Workplace Program in 2018.  As a Certified Green Workplace, Carruthers Hall complied with UVA Sustainability guidelines in five areas.

Read more about Green Workplace here:

Awareness & Education

Commitment from leadership
Green Workplace information included in employee onboarding
Green purchaser training
Zero Waste Event training

Reminder Signage

Light Switch Reminders                               
Water Conservation Clings
Paper Towel Prompts
Public Transit Poster
Earn Your Steps Sign

Energy & Water

HVAC Checkup
IT Sleep Settings
Keep up with Green Team Coms here:
Efficient Equipment & Appliances
Bottle-Free Workplace

Waste Reduction

Recycling Checkup
Electronics Recycling
Office Supply Reuse
Double-Sided Printing             

Ongoing Communications (like this one!)

Print Communications
Updates at Staff Meetings
Sustainability Lunch and Learns
Green Workplace Sharing

Carruthers Hall Green Team Members:  

Heather Landes, Green Team Lead, Anne Marie Cumiskey, Mara Hilliar, Lori Ponton, Kristin Floyd, Isaiah Behnke, Christopher Doran, Brandi Van Ormer, Judy DiVita – Supporting Leadership,
Dana Schroeder – Sustainability Specialist

Thursday, May 16, 2019

UVAFinance: Do you need a new head shot?

Matt takes great photos!
Professional headshots are available on Thursday, June 20, from 9 am to 12 pm. These photos are perfect for the contact page of your website, avatars within Outlook, LinkedIn pages, and so on.

UVAFinance team members can sign up for a quick photo session here:

Headshots will be taken outside, so if the weather doesn't cooperate, we will reschedule.

If you still need a headshot but all available slots become filled, email and we'll do our best to get another session set up soon!


Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Continuous Improvement Bright Spot: VPF Situation Room

A key part of continuous improvement culture is "finding the bright spots" -- looking at who has had success making changes and operating differently.  Small changes can make a big difference!

The Issue:  The VP Finance Leadership Team wanted a more efficient, visible way to track projects and identify issues.  Regular "around the room" report-out format meetings were not allowing for quick identification of issues to address and items for awareness.

James Gorman and Judy DiVita compare Post-It notes in the
VPF Leadership Team Situation Room. 
The Improvement:   The VPF team and UVAFinance Continuous Improvement Committee members took a field trip to the Medical Center, where they got an inside look at how both the leadership team and medical staff use Kanban boards daily to quickly identify, assess, and solve problems.  Inspired, they brought this knowledge back to Carruthers Hall.

The Solution:  Carr-Collab-2 (the standup meeting room) became the VPF Team's "Situation Room."  It took a little while to identify the activities and functional areas it made sense to track.  After identifying a system that would work for the team, Continuous Improvement Committee members got out their painter's tape and built a giant Kanban that you can see in Carr-Collab-2.  Color-coded post-it notes indicate either a positive or general awareness callout (blue) or a situation that needs attention or is at risk (red).

The Benefits:  Although the team is still adjusting the new process to fit their needs, they're finding that their weekly standups in the situation room are much more focused on the most important information, opportunities to collaborate to solve problems, and sharing the information that people need to know.

The Bottom Line:  Employing a Lean methodology has allowed the VPF Leadership Team to function in (surprise!) a leaner, more efficient way, making the best use of everyone's time and addressing issues that impact all of UVAFinance and our stakeholders.

Got a bright spot to share?  Email!

Check it out: What's going on in the Community

As we prepare for Phase 2: Readiness of Finance Strategic Transformation, you may be wondering if the issues you've noticed and the pain points you've experienced have been taken into account by the FST project team and the many stakeholder groups with whom we've partnered.

This spring, we held a "Greenhouse Workshop" with our partners to make sure we were all on the same page in terms of vision, scope, and objectives, and that we were clear on the needs of the schools and units and how this project can help them.  You can check out the barriers, pockets of pain, and thoughts shared by your colleagues and leaders on the slides posted here:

Remember, we want to hear from you (actually, it's more like we NEED to hear from you)!

If you aren't sure an issue you've identified is represented currently as a part of FST, please reach out to us.  You can always comment directly in the community (respond as a comment under the link above, or share a question or idea), you can email, or you can reach out to FST leadership/VP Finance leadership directly.

 Don't be a stranger in the online community in the online community -- we post slides from every meeting there, as well as classes, professional development content, and more!

Rose Markey brings Trust into Focus at UVAForward 2019

Markey will be pulling double-duty at UVAForward 2019;
She's also emceeing the event.  No word yet on if this cute
pooch will join her.  


It's not the most comfortable topic.   When people say they don't trust someone, what does that mean?  How do I work with someone I don't trust?  How can I foster trust in those who work with me?

Not only is trust hard for us to talk about, but also, we often assume it's a topic that's hard to define and harder to do anything about.

Yet research and several recent books have shown, trust, this big topic surrounded by emotion and risk, is actually quantifiable and definable and is definitely something we can and should do something about.

Attendees of UVAForward 2019 will have an opportunity to learn about the importance of trust and how to grow it within our work environment.    Rose Markey,  Senior Learning & Development Consultant with UVA HR's Talent Development Team will present "The Pursuit of Trust" at a breakout session.  

Trust is a hot topic currently, with books such as Stephen M.R. Covey's The Speed of Trust, Richard Fagerlin's Trustology, and many works and talks by Brene Brown drawing mass attention.

In her session, Markey will walk through the seven elements of trust, based on research by noted trust  & vulnerability expert Brene Brown, and apply those concepts to both self-trust and trust within teams and groups.  Markey says the second half of her session takes the discussion into a highly practical realm, covering how to have healthy dialogue and share your perspective with other people.

Markey has over 25 years of experience in human resources and has been a trainer and professional speaker for many years.  In September, she will complete training to become a certified facilitator of Brene Brown's  Daring Way methodology.  The UVAForward team is excited for her to bring her experience and wisdom on this important topic.

"I want to provide people with the tools so they can have successful conversations when the stakes are really high -- helping them get unstuck, master their own stories, and deal with their own motives before they start talking," Markey said.

If you haven't already, make plans to attend UVAForward 2019!  

Registration will open May 20!


Get prepared for the Trust conversation at UVAForward.  Check out these resources:

Speed of Trust Podcasts from Finance Matters

The Power of Vulnerability from Finance Matters

Stephen MR Covey on "The Speed of Trust"

Brene Brown on the Anatomy of Trust

Bring your Special Interest to UVAFinance

Special interests allow us all to flower at work!

Are you a knitter who'd like to take an afternoon break to stitch with like-minded colleagues?  A wellness newbie interested in exploring meditation during the workday?  Someone new to the area who'd like to learn more about restaurants in the area with established Charlottesville foodies?  Or maybe you're just looking for a few colleagues to take a walk with you before lunch? 

UVAFinance's Culture Crew wants to help!  

We invite our talented team to bring their special interests, talents, and hobbies to the workplace via our Special Interest Group Team.

Composed of Mara Hilliar, Devin Foster, Brian Logwood, and Ruth Parcells, this group's purpose is to connect you to the resources you need to organize a group around your interest.  They'll help connect you with mail lists, rooms, resources, marketing, and assist in providing guidelines for a successful special interest group in our workplace.

What kinds of activities might be "special interests"?  Any of the ones listed above, but also things like photography, sports, painting, board games, video game groups, book clubs (different than our existing UVAFinance Book Club), or they could be centered around sessions you want to lead, topics you want to teach about, or even topics you want to learn about.  They could be held during lunch or breaks, or before or after working hours.   The possibilities are endless!

If you have something you'd like to share with the group, contact the Special Interest Group Team today, and they'll give you the right resources to help you flower in your niche so that our whole community flourishes.

Want to join the Special Interest Group Team?  They'd love to have you join them!  Just contact one of the members named above.

Check out this Harvard Business Review article on the benefits of employees bringing their special interests to work.

Read more about the Culture Crew here. 

Monday, May 6, 2019

More Lean Classes in 2019

Would you like to improve the efficiency of your processes and the quality of your products/services while reducing costs? Lean principles and tools can help you do just that. We have multiple classes available to help you learn the basics about Lean as well as further your lean skills.

All classes will be held in Carruthers Hall, Conference Room 2 (Carr-2). Click the desired date below to enroll through Workday Learning.

All of the Lean courses will be part of the forthcoming UVAFinance Lean Certification. Stay tuned for an announcement with more information.

We look forward to seeing you in class! If you have any questions, please contact the training team at

Lean is continually seeking to improve quality and efficiency by identifying and eliminating waste.

Lean Fluency

Lean Fluency will familiarize you with the basics of Lean principles, vocabulary, and tools. The course incorporates three phases of learning including pre and post-workshop activities and the leader-led workshop.

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Lean in Daily Work

Lean in Daily Work will provide you with practical, easy-to-implement strategies to make your current processes more efficient. The course includes a discussion of 5S, Standard Work, Kanban Boards and much more.

Prerequisite: Completion of Lean Fluency or the Leading a Lean Transformation certificate.

10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Lean Projects

Lean Projects delves deeper into the Lean principles and tools with a focus on using the A3 tool to identify and lead continuous improvement (“Lean) projects. The course incorporates three phases of learning including pre and post-workshop activities, the leader-led workshop, and meeting with a Lean coach.

Prerequisite: Completion of Lean Fluency or the Leading a Lean Transformation certificate.

8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Start With Why: June 12 Book Club

Please join us on Wednesday, June 12, 12-1 pm in Carr-2 for the next UVAFinance Book Club meeting. We will be discussing Simon Sinek’s Start With Why. There is a copy of this book in the Book Nook (in the corner of the Carruthers 2nd floor break area) which may be available for check-out.

What's Start With Why all about? Check out author Simon Sinek's TED Talk for an inside look!

Visit the Start With Why Website

If you have questions about the UVAFinance Book Club or would like to suggest a book or lead a discussion, please email

Yoga in UVAFinance this May

During May, yoga classes are available during the lunchtime hour.  Classes are gentle and can be done in comfortable work clothes, but there is time built into the hour to allow you to change.  Class begins at 12:10 and ends at 12:50 (except for May 15, when it will be held from 1:10 - 1:50). 

Interested in attending?  Just bring a mat or towel and $5.

Note from the editor:  I'm not saying these classes will fix everything that ails you, but after one session with Robin last week in Carr-2, the knot of pain and tension between my shoulderblades disappeared. 

Friday, May 3, 2019

Happy Podiversary!

Finance Matters launched in April 2018, with two FOC-ers and a snowball microphone.  Twelve months and many guests and guest-hosts later, the podcast has 45 episodes and over 1000 downloads.

We want your ideas!

We've got a ton of ideas and great things planned for upcoming episodes, both topics and guests, and we'd love to hear from you!  What would you like to hear more about, or who would you like to hear from?  Email either Patty or Brandi with your ideas.

Check out the best of the pod: 

The Strength of Being Vulnerable, with Sarah Doran

Cross-Functional Teams, with Shannon Wampler & Josh Breeden

Change Fatigue, with Mary Brackett

Organization Tips

What We Learn from Failure, with Lynne Schwar

The Power of Contemplation, with David Germano

New on the Pod: What's in it for us? Practicing Change in Academia

Patty and Brandi are joined in this episode by Angela Knobloch from UVA's Organizational Excellence Department. Beyond her depth of training and breadth of experience in change management and continuous improvement, Angela just gets the human side of change. Join us for a lively, interesting discussion of the particularities of practicing change in the academic environment.

Lean isn't lean if it doesn't involve everyone. 
                                                      - John Shook


Thursday, May 2, 2019

Dave Boling Retirement

Dave Boling and UVAFinance colleagues enjoyed
cake on his last day in Carruthers Hall.  
This week UVAFinance began our goodbyes to Dave Boling, who has been at UVA for 39 years.  Although he has already officially finished his job responsibilities in Financial Planning & Analysis, Boling will still be on Grounds until the end of June as he wraps up duties with the Ufirst project.

A retirement party will be held on May 29 in Newcomb Hall's Kaleidoscope
Room from 2 to 4 pm (watch for an invite via email soon).

FEAP Seminars this May and June

Check out these upcoming seminars from the UVA Faculty & Employee Assistance Program (FEAP).

To Register: email  (include name, employer, department, email address & phone number) or call 434.243.2643

Understanding Anxiety
Presented by Joseph Ipacs, MD

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem in the U.S. and result in +$4.1 billion in indirect workplace costs. For many people with an anxiety disorder, successfully maintaining a job is an essential part of recovery and well-being. Learn how employers can help facilitate this by creating an informed and accommodating work environment and how family members can understand and support their loved ones with anxiety. In this presentation, we will discuss general anxiety, panic disorders and other anxiety-based issues and effective treatment approaches. Rumination and worry are common symptoms but when is it more than that?

Wednesday, May 8, 2019
12 – 1:00 p.m.
Education Resource Center, Room B

Raising the Digital Generation
Presented by Monical Maughlin, LPC, CEAP

Technology is transforming the way that we relate and live our lives. This seminar will explore the opportunities and challenges that raising kids in the digital age brings, and will provide strategies for raising a generation of kids transformed by technology.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019
12 noon – 1:00 p.m.
Education Resource Center, Room B

Stress First Aid:  Caring for Self & Others
Presented by Joyce Camden, LCSW

This seminar covers the degrees of stress which can impact people and ways to identify and reduce the impact of such stress. Most Health Care Professionals have a moderate to high level of stress as usual elements in the work environment. Personal life can also have events and waves of moderate to high stress levels. Independently or together those natural factors in life can accumulate and have heavy impact. There are many ways to expand awareness of stress and how it can become symptomatic. There are also on-going practices which can help heal, restore, and prevent stress from reaching a point of negatively effecting ones experiences and relationships. This workshop provides ways to address these issues with tools and practices that can serve you and your co-workers.

Thursday, June 6, 2019
12 noon – 1:00 p.m.
Education Resource Center, Room B

Parenting Age 0-3 Years:  Fostering Emotional Intelligence in Young Children
Presented by Ken Horne, LCSW

This seminar will focus on skills and techniques for parents and grandparents to foster social-emotional intelligence in young children. Eighty percent of brain growth happens in the first three years of life and there are a variety of evidence-based methods parents can learn to set their children up for success. Drawing from the Boston Basics Campaign and neuroscience research, we will look at everyday interactions between children and caregivers that provide countless opportunities to lay a foundation for wellness and make the most of the first three years of life.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019
12 noon – 1:00 p.m.
Newcomb Hall, room 389