Tuesday, May 21, 2019

VHEPC welcomes Chris Gerner

VHEPC's Chris Gerner and a new friend he made while hiking.  
The Virginia Higher Education Procurement Consortium and Procurement & Supplier Diversity Services are pleased to welcome Chris Gerner to the role of Senior Data Analyst.

Gerner, who has been on board since the end of April, is located at UVA and works with VHEPC colleague Ryan Balber to negotiate better purchasing contracts for VHEPC's 15 member entities.

A Hoo with a bachelor's in Mathematics/Economics, Gerner also has a master's in data analytics engineering from George Mason University.  Gerner comes to Charlottesville most recently from George Mason University, where he was a procurement data analyst for over six years.  His experience also includes data analysis roles with GEICO and Inova.

"As the Director of VHEPC, Ryan is all about data and data-driven strategy, so this position was a great opportunity for me," says Gerner.

"I feel really grateful to be here learning the programs, delving into things and helping our member schools and the taxpayers."

Gerner has been surprised at how much UVA has changed since he graduated in 2005.

"It's been interesting," he says.  "The last time I was here, I was broke with no car, and now I'm a 'real adult,'" he laughs.

His former dorm may have been replaced by a new one, but he still finds Charlottesville a great place to be, especially as he is an avid hiker.

To read more about VHEPC and its benefit to UVA and other member institutions, check out this blog article, or read about VHEPC on their website

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