Friday, May 17, 2019

Carruthers Hall Green Team Update

"Working Green" in Carruthers Hall

Carruthers Hall was the first workplace to jump on board the UVA Office of Sustainability's newly updated Green Workplace Program in 2018.  As a Certified Green Workplace, Carruthers Hall complied with UVA Sustainability guidelines in five areas.

Read more about Green Workplace here:

Awareness & Education

Commitment from leadership
Green Workplace information included in employee onboarding
Green purchaser training
Zero Waste Event training

Reminder Signage

Light Switch Reminders                               
Water Conservation Clings
Paper Towel Prompts
Public Transit Poster
Earn Your Steps Sign

Energy & Water

HVAC Checkup
IT Sleep Settings
Keep up with Green Team Coms here:
Efficient Equipment & Appliances
Bottle-Free Workplace

Waste Reduction

Recycling Checkup
Electronics Recycling
Office Supply Reuse
Double-Sided Printing             

Ongoing Communications (like this one!)

Print Communications
Updates at Staff Meetings
Sustainability Lunch and Learns
Green Workplace Sharing

Carruthers Hall Green Team Members:  

Heather Landes, Green Team Lead, Anne Marie Cumiskey, Mara Hilliar, Lori Ponton, Kristin Floyd, Isaiah Behnke, Christopher Doran, Brandi Van Ormer, Judy DiVita – Supporting Leadership,
Dana Schroeder – Sustainability Specialist

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