Tuesday, July 23, 2019

How do you give back? Please share!

We're heading into the season where we celebrate giving:  the start of the Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign, the approach of the Day of Caring.  And, through "Ours to Shape," President Ryan has invited us to think more deeply about community and service.

Scenes from last year's Day of Caring
Whether we take part in Day of Caring, give to CVC, or share our time, funds, and talents in other ways, the UVA community keeps busy volunteering, sharing, and helping out, no matter what the season.

We'd like to celebrate the way the UVAFinance team and our extended finance family this fall.  How are you active in your community?  What are some ways you give back?  We'll share your stories in an upcoming blog digest.  Pictures are also welcome!

Send stories and pictures to bv8h@virginia.edu by August 30!

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