Wednesday, July 10, 2019

UVA Police Department Canines are coming to Carruthers for Lunch

You may have seen in the UVA or local news that the University Police Department’s explosive-detection canine, “Muki”, recently retired after 56 dog years of service.  (Read more on the UVA Emergency Site)
UVA PD Retiree Muki

Officer Audrell Ragland who was Muki’s handler, is now working with a new partner, “Nahla”. Officer Ragland and fellow K-9 Officer, Sam Joy, who is working with “Rexo”, will be visiting Carruthers on Tuesday, July 23, at 12:00 noon for an exciting and interactive Lunch and Learn for UVAFinance team members.

Officers Ragland and Joy will deliver a brief presentation and answer questions, and then Nahla will demo her K-9 skills! We will also have the opportunity to interact with Nahla and Rexo.

Registration Required

The Lunch and Learn will be held in Carr-1 and Carr-2. As space is limited, if you plan to attend this Lunch and Learn, please enroll using the following link:$370556/15972$1406.htmld

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