Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Finance Transformation: Breaking down Silos for Continuous Improvement

Big changes can be tiring, right?  The process is long, the details are many, the deliverables pile up, and the deadlines loom large . . . but, if you take time to recognize and celebrate the wins along the way, you might get an energy boost!

Kelly Hochstetler, the
"voice of LD"
Finance Strategic Transformation isn't just a software implementation -- it's also a focus on continuous improvement and making sure we're delivering the best service possible in the best way possible.  This week in the Online Finance Community on CommunityHub, Kelly Hochstetler of Finance Outreach & Compliance shines a light on some great things involving LD and more that have been accomplished through a collaborative effort.

Read her post, "Collaboration during Change:  breaking down silos and solving problems."

Check it out and please share your own continuous improvement stories (as you can see, we love 'em!).  

Comments and questions are welcome in the online community, and here on the blog.

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