Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Finance Transformation Roundup!

The Project Team is Growing

We’re currently interviewing two additional Communications staff positions, two administrative roles, and a Change Management Lead.

More positions will be posted soon. Watch UVAJobs and our website.  As we head into the first quarter of 2020 and Phase 3: Implementation, hiring will increase rapidly

Wrapping Up Phase 2

We recently held Consolidated Playback Sessions, which are a roundup of what we found in the business process discovery workshops for each workstream. In the community, you can find the consolidated playback slides – they’re a great opportunity to see what your colleagues in each area liked about Workday’s offerings and what concerns they had. These results will be important as we assess what approach we’ll use for implementation.

Answers to Your Questions in the Community

Plus, a post from Batten's Charles Rush on the Adaptive Insights Pilot: "A few words on the AI pilot, common ground, and the beauty of less customization."

A New Channel for Communication

We’re pleased to announce the launch of WFST Radio: Your Transformation Station. WFST Radio is a short-form news podcast designed to bring you all the FST news you need on a bi-weekly basis, in under 10 minutes. Listen at your desk or on your mobile device, and stay in touch even if you don’t have time to read other updates!

Stay in touch!

Questions? Concerns? Requests? Suggestions? Contact us at Financetransformation@virginia.edu – we watch our inbox closely to make sure we don’t miss you.

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