Monday, November 18, 2019

Get Grounded field trip to the Special Collections Library

UVAFinance Team members on their recent Get Grounded Field Trip

"UVAFinances’ Get Grounded journey to Harrison-Small Special Collections was enlightening to not only the historical treasures the University has in its archives but also to the number of artifacts recounting America’s Revolution and birth as a Republic. To have access to so much of America’s and the world’s written chronology of a people’s seamless transcendence of progress is astounding. All who attended left with a heightened sense of the significance of the University’s archival collection of historical relevance in a vast world of information and knowledge." -- Patrick Wood, PSDS

See all of the pictures from the trip on the UVAFinance Flickr page.

Get Grounded field trips are brought to you by the UVAFinance Culture Crew.

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